Personal names



Many Arapaho people continue giving traditional Arapaho names to their children. Here is the list of some of the common Arapaho names. Some names have more than one form, such variations are listed when available. If you have troubles reading the name, chek out our Sounds section.

Each Arapaho name has a story and a person behind it. If you find your name in the list, and would like to know more about it, talk to your relatives or elders who can tell you that story.


(Pine) Bark séé3ii
Apache Old Man 3oxkóhei beh'éí
Arapaho Woman hinóno'úsei
Arrived in Force beehcówo'oot
Attacks First nenííto'oubesíít
Backpack cei'noo3eih
Bad Boy woxonóh'oe honóh'oehíwox
Bad Bread wóxoc
Bad Teeth wosóókutéí
Bear wox
Bear Club wox tébe'eihóó
Bear Lets Air Out wox ceeyou
Bear Stands Alone wóxuu níísook
Bear Woman woxúúsei
Bed Woman hóoonísei
Beggar Woman hitóuusei
Big Bear wox béeséí3
Big Belly coo'óoowút
Big Chest céí'isic
Big Eagle nii'éíhii béeséi3
Big Feather benéexookúúteet
Big Garter; Big Lace heebétohúúk
Big Head béese'éí
Big Man hinén béeséí3
Big Star hó3o' béeséí3
Big Tracks béexóoxéíh
Black Antelope wo'téén nisíce
Black Bear wo'téénox
Black Biter wóó'teentóyo'oet
Black Coal wo'óóseinee' wó'teenwo'óós
Black Coal (shot-off finger) teebi3éé3eit
Black Coal Woman wó'teeniwo'óósei
Black Coyote wó'teenkoo'óh
Black Eagle wo'téénii'éíhii
Black Eagle Woman wo'téénii'eihísei
Black Kettle wó'teenóoó
Black Lodge wóó'teenokoyéíhit
Black Wind wó'teenéés
Black Woman hísei wó'teenéíh
Black Woodpecker wó'teenibéteibétee
Blowing Back ce'éés
Blue Shield cenééteenoxookéíhi'
Bluebird Woman ceneetéénii'ehísei
Broken Horn tebíínis
Broken- Off Finger tebí3ei
Brush Man hiikóó'unén
Buffalo Butcher henéécee céniihóót
Buffalo Jump henéécee cé'e3éís
Bull Thunder henéécee boh'óoó
Bump on the Nose ce'ííwoot
Cedar cooh'ou
Cedar in the Mountain Walking Woman ben'oohcebiséí
Cedar Woman cééh'eenései be'e3éínoonései
Charcoal wo'óót
Chokecherry Kid bííniisoo
Clot Woman nótiníísei
Clot Woman, Blood Clot Woman hinótiníísei
Crazy Horse hinén niinííxoot hítoního' henííxoot hítoního'
Crazy Man hohóókee
Crazy Old Man beh'éíhohóókee
Creeping Bear wóx ciiyéí'
Crooked Forehead co'óu'oo
Crow Man hóuunén
Cut Face; name of Chief Washakie tóóte'éít
Cut Nose biikoo(?) tebíí3ee
Cuts the Rope kooxésoot séénookuu
Duck siisííc
Eagle Bear nii'éíhiiwóxuu
Eagle Chief nii'éíhiinéécee nii'éíhiinéécee
Eagle Dress nii'éíhiibíixúut
Eagle Robe nii'éíhii hiitóúwut
Eagle Woman nii'ehísei bííto'owúúsei
Earth Woman; Sings on the Ground bííto'ówuunései
Elk Woman hiwóxuunései
Enemy Woman coo3ései
Evening Star, Evening Star Woman hi3óuunó3o'úsei
Eyes Apart neyeico'óók
Far Away cíísinee
Fly nóúbee
Flying Above hihcébe' cebíh'o
Flying Eagle nii'éíhii koyíh'o nii'éíhii cebíh'o
Flying First níítowúh'o
Flying First, Flying in the Lead neníítowúh'ohut
Flying Last híítooxúh'ohut
Flying on Top teesíh'o
Flying Woman hiiníh'ohuunései
Fog be'énoo
Fog Maker be'enóúh
Forest Man neeyéíciinén
Found in the Grass bii'óxuyoo
Fox Woman nóuuhúsei
Funny Face bíci'ei kóhtobé'ei
Game Leg cóó
Goes in Lodge cíitei
Golden Eagle hiinookó3onit
Golden Eagle (Woman) nookó3on
Golden Eagle Woman nooko3ónii'ehísei hísei hiinookó3onit
Good Man hinén hi3éíh
Good Shooter nii'óéhit
Grizzly Bear nonóókunéseet
Gros Ventre Man hitóuunén
Hairy Head bíise'éí
Happy-Sounding Eagle nii'éíhii hónobetóuu
Has Many Children howóhesei
Has Many Earrings hoowóhooseiceitéét
Has Many Horses hóówohúúsebeit
Hears the Water neníítowóóto' nec
High Eagle co'óuu3ii'éíhii
Hits Good ní'itóú'
Hitting Forest neeyéíc tóú'
Holding Bird níí'eihío xonoonéénoot
Hollering Across hooxúúniitóuu
Hollering Around noo'oeníitóuu
Hollering Hawk hééyei níitóuu
Hollering Otter yéíy níitóuu
Hollering Woman hísei níitóuu
Horse wóxhoox
Hungry Wolf hóóxei hésnee
Ice Man wo'ówuunén
In the Rocks siiyonii'
Lazy Man 3onóúhuunén
Leading Woman níitowuséí
Left Hand nowóó3
Lime Crazy ho'óeetiinohóókee
Little Dog he3 hókeciih
Little Drum hecéxo'éiihehi'
Little Eagle hecésii'éíhii
Little Fast One hééso'óúhut
Little Feather; Man with a Feather wóókuunéhe'
Little Owl béé3ei hókeciih
Little Shield héécexookéíh'ineet
Little Sun hiisíís hókeciih
Little Wolf hóóxei hókeciih
Little/funny man bícinén
Lone Bear wox niiséíh
Lone Chief néécee niiséíh
Lone Pine see3 niiséíh
Lone Woman hísei niiséíh
Long Hair heení'eit
Long Ways ciisinéhe'
Looking Eagle nii'éíhii nonóó'ein
Looking for Something in the Grass hiinos
Lump Back, Back Pack céí'ino3éíh
Lump Nose céí'ei'ís
Lump on the Foot cee'éíhteet
Magpie woo'úh'ei
Man Turns to Chokecherry Tree hóówoo'
Man Who Got Caught; Spoonhunter heebíyoo nihnótinó'
Many Bears wóxuu woo3ééno'
Many Crows hóuu woo3ééno'
Many Eagles nii'éíhii woo3ééno'
Many Guns hóówohóó'eit
Many Limbs, Lots of Limbs cétoun
Many Tipi Poles howóh'okóóxuno'
Medicine Man bééteet
Medicine Woman wóxu'uunései
Morning Star; Evening Star hó3o' níitowuséí
Mountain Boy hóhe' honóh'oe
Mountain Lion boh'oohóóx
Mountain Woman hóh'eníísei
Night Killer bííkoonéhe'
Nightingale nookónii'éíhii
Not Strong hoowutéí'
Old Crow, Old Raven hóuu ciinéíh
Old Eagle; Old Man Eagle nii'éíhii beh'éíh
Old Lady Sioux nootinéí betébi
Old Lady Woodpecker bééteibétee betébi
Old Man beh'éí
Old Man Arapaho hinóno'ei beh'éí
Old Man Owl béé3ei beh'éí
On the Side seetee
One Who Makes Noise héteihío
One- Eyed Sioux ko'óókunootinéí
Otter yéíy
Passing By cówo'óúh
Pearl biscéíh
Peg Leg beesíí'oo3ít
Peppermint wóhoonó'
Plume biixónoo
Plume Woman biixónoonései
Poor Bear woxóó3oobéíh
Powder Face ce'i3ééni'ei
Pretty Mountain hóhe' hi3éíh
Pretty Woman ni'ísei hísei hi3éíh
Puffy Eyes ni'óók
Quill hooníno'
Rabbit nóóku
Rabbit Robe hiinookóhunóuwút
Ragged Blanket coo'óu
Ready Charcoal seyéíwo'óót
Red Bird Woman béí'ii'ehísei
Red Dawn Woman bo'óókenései
Red Feather be'eekúúni'
Red Pipe be'íicóoó híicó'o be'éíh
Red Shirt be'ibíixúut
Red Smoke be'icéetéé
Red Stick Man hóówoo'úúnonóh'e
Red Sun Rays Woman híísiikósoobe'ísei
Red Willow bo'óóceibíís
Red Willow Woman yóókoxuu be'éíh
Red Wolf hóóxei bo'oonéíh
Red Woman hísei be'éíh
Refers to a type of weapon cooxóó'ei
Ridge Walker 3oo3óuutéíseet
Rock hoh'onóókee
Rock of Ages Woman hísei kóutók
Rock Woman hoh'onookeis hoh'onóókee betébi
Row of Lodges nííteinóotee
Ruler of All bééheetéíhit, béheetéíh
Runs Around It hééyeikóóhut
Rustling Leaves wootéínooní'i biicííxo
Sacajawea henííniibéseinit
Sage Woman nóókhooseinései nóókhooséís
Sagebrush, Sagebrush Woman nóókhoosei
Sandhill Crane te3ous
Scab Head 3ííkoni'éí'oo
Scabby Bull kokúyenéécee
Scar hítes
Scarface tooci'eit
Scout notkón
Scout Traveler hoonóúseet
Sharp Leg tóóxu'óóneet
Sharp Nose heenííbeet
She's Singing néniibéí'i
Shield heecéíhi'
Short wohok ce'ihéíh
Side Hill neeh'éiite'
Silver Fox nóuuhéhe'
Singing Above hihcébe' niibéí'i
Singing After Woman wóóniibéí'i
Singing Bear Woman wóxuu niibéí'i niibéihísei
Singing Cedar Woman bé'e3einóóniibései
Singing in the Forest neeyéíci' niibéí'i
Singing Mountain Woman hóhe' niibéí'i
Singing on the Mountain hoh'éni' niibéí'i
Singing Paint hinów niibéí'i
Singing Peppermint, Singing Mint wóhooniibei'i
Singing Pine Woman see3ííniibéí'i
Singing Quiet teiitóóniibéí'i
Singing Sky Woman hóno' niibéí'i
Singing Star Woman hó3o' néniibéí'i
Singing Water neci' níitóuu
Singing Woman niibéís hísei niibéí'i
Sings First níítowúniibéí'i
Sings in Line niitéíniibéí'i
Sioux Woman nootineehísei
Sitting Bull henéécee 3í'ok
Sitting in the Dark bííkoo 3ii'ókut
Sitting in the Meek téénokúhu'
Sitting in the Meek téénok
Sitting on the Left Side nowóótok
Sitting Woman hísei 3í'ok
Six Feathers neníítootoxúúneet
Skeleton Forehead 3ííkonou'u
Sky Woman hóno'úsei
Sleeping Bear wox nóko
Sleeping Boy se'esíwonóh'oe se'esówonóh'e
Sleeping Man se'esíbinén nowóniinén
Sorrel Horse nooníísebeit
Splinter Foot Child heséíhteesíísoo
Spotted Bear wóx kokúteenéíh
Spotted Eagle; Spotted Bird koktéénii'éíhii
Stands Alone neniiseekuut
Star hó3o'
Star Appears hó3o' bisísee
Star Woman hó3o'úsei
Stops in the Timber neeyéíci’ tóú'
Strikes tóú'
Strikes in the Middle neehii3éí' tóú'
Strong Bear téi'oxúhu' téi'ox
Strong Bow hí3obééte'
Strong Chief téi'inéécee
Strong Eagle nii'éíhii nó'otéíh
Strong Old Woman téi'ibetébi
Strong Woman téi'itéés
Sun Road hiisiisbóoó
Sunrise Woman hiisíís bisísee hísei
Sweet Grass Man ni'oxú’unén
Sweet Grass Woman ni'oxú'unései
Tallow níínen
Tangled Hair híinohóoteinít
Tear Woman néci'ook
Teeth béícito
Thin Hair bééxoyé' 3iiyé'ei
Three Buffalo Bulls henéécee néh'ino'
Three Stars hó3o' néh'ino'
Turtle be'énou'u
Two Eagles nii'éíhii níísino'
Valley Woman neeyéí
Walking Star Woman hó3o' cebiséí
Walking Thunder boh'óoó ceebíseet
Walks Clean hííyoo3icebísee
Walks in the Middle neehii3éí' cebís
Walks in the Mountains hoh'éni' ceebíseet
Walks in the Sky hóno' cebísee
Walks Looking at the Stars ceebíseet nenéí'oohówoot hó3o'uu
Wandering Woman híínotísei
Wavy Hair cehee'ei
Wears an Eagle Plume bííxonoo híínookúúnit
Whirlwind Woman neyóóxetíísei
Whistle Woman kokíyonései
Whistling Water nísihiinéc
White Bear wox nookéíh
White Blackbird nóókunih'ééno'
White Ghost 3ííkon nookéíh
White Horse wóxhoox nookéíh
White Plume Woman nookbííxonéései
White Shield nóókookéíhi'
White Star hó3o' nookéíh
White Wolf hóóxei nookéíh
White Woman nookései
Wind Woman heséísiinései
Wolf Necklace hóóxei woo'éínoneet
Woman Comes From Light héetóóke' hísei
Woman Comes In hísei cíitei
Woman Walking First hísei níítowús
Woman Walking In A Circle hísei noo'óés
Woman Walks Along Ridge hísei 3oo3óuutéíseet
Woman Walks Clean hííyoo3bisísei
Wounded Warrior nóókoníí'oot
Yearling In A Crowd wotóuú'
Yellow Bear wox níhoohéíh
Yellow Calf níhoonóú' níhoonóuú'
Yellow Clay Woman níhoonóóbe'ísei
Yellow Feather nihóónookúú
Yellow Hair nííhooné'eit
Yellow Horse wóxhoox níhoonéíh
Yellow Man hinén níhoonéíh
Yellow Otter yéíy níhoonéíh
Yellow Rock hoh'onóókee níhoonéih
Yellow Woman níhoonéés
Young Buffalo Bull heneecééhe'

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