
This website was created to support the revitalization of the Arapaho language and be a helpful resource for Arapaho language learners. In addition to the Arapaho Lessons and Dictionary, this website also features a Pronunciation Guide, examples of the language being used for everyday life, scanned bilingual curriculum materials and other resources helpful in learning this language.
In order to learn most effectively, we suggest you follow the grammar lessons in order and that you practice speaking Arapaho with a partner using the prompts provided in the Speaking Arapaho section. One very helpful resouce is the list of the 100 Most Common Words in Arapaho, found on the Print Resources page. The examples of Dialogues will help you develop your listening and reading skills, so be sure to check them out too!

We have tried to make this website more accessible to students and teachers by making it mobile-friendly. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the contents or accessibility of this web page, please contact us at cowellj@colorado.edu.