

This set of web pages are designed to be used as an educational tool, by both the Arapaho people and others. It was created with a Historic Preservation Trust Fund grant from the National Park Service for the years 2004-06 (Grant #56-04-NA-5608), and is a collaborative project of Rocky Mountain National Park, the Northern Arapaho Tribe, the University of Colorado Boulder, Dr. Andrew Cowell of CU-Boulder Center for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the West, and the TAM (Technology Arts and Media) division of the ATLAS institute, with additional funding provided by the Colorado Endowment for the Humanities. To learn more about the details of the production and the contributions of each partner, click here.

These web pages include both a compilation of existing information about the Arapaho people, particularly in relation to Colorado and the Rocky Mountain National Park area, and the results of new research, carried out in Colorado and Wyoming by Dr. Andrew Cowell in collaboration with the Tribe as part of the NPS grant. The CD's focus primarily on traditional culture, and especially on the natural environment in and around RockyMountain National Park. The contents of the web site are as follows:

General Introduction to the Arapaho:
Basic Facts | History | Language | Music | Religion | Customs | Powwow | Ghost Dance

Arapaho Narratives of People, Places and the Natural World

Animals, Birds, and other Creatures in Arapaho Culture
Plants in Arapaho Culture
Places and Placenames of the Arapaho: Culture on the Landscape

All content, including text, images, video and audio is copyright Northern Arapaho Tribe and Center for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the West, University of Colorado, 2006.

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