Many people enjoy playing football, as well as talking about football games together. Here are some words and phrases for talking about football:
Nii-tó'osíbetí-3i' = football ('they knock each other down' - this could be word for 'football players' as well), or tó'osíbetiit ('knocking each other down')
Heet-niito'-tó'oxon-óó3i' = kickoff ('they will kick it the first time')
Heet-yihkúutón-oot = pass ('he will throw it to him')
Nih-síiinínee-t = interception ('he stole it')
Nih-ceesín-oot = fumble ('he dropped it')
Nih-tó’osíw-oot = tackle ('he knocked him down')
Nii-ce’kóóhu-t = to run back, return (punt, kickoff) ('he runs back')
Nih-ceen-téenkúutíí-3i' = to score ('they touched it down')
Tenéi’e3éí’on-óó3i’ = field goal ('he has kicked it just right')
Hee3óú’usi’ = the score ('what the number is')
Niit-noohobéíhiinóó’ hee3óú’usi'
= scoreboard
Niit-noohobéíhiinóó’ heecxóóyei’óónoo’
= clock
Hesookúúno’óowu’ = stadium ('watching on house')
Wonoohóneekúú-3i’ = team ('they stand together')
Neehiisínouhúút = uniform ('dressing the same')
Tóxu'óh-no = football shoes ('sharp shoes')
Be3ó’oté’ = helmet ('hard hat')
Neiyéi3toot = down ('a try, trying')
Téébe heet-neyéi3tóó-3i' = first down ('they are going to try for the first time')
Neniisí'owóó' heet-neyéi3tóó-3i' = second down ('they are going to try for the second time')
Neneesí'owóó' heet-neyéi3tóó-3i' = third down ('they are going to try for the third time')
Yenein'owóó' heet-neyéi3tóó-3i' = fourth down ('they are going to try for the fourth time')
Nii-néyei-hoyeí-3i’ = offense ('they try to win')
Nii-néyei-tóé’en-óó3i’ = defense ('they try to stop them')
Cebeeniihi’ wokóoó = quarterback ('quarter back')
Niisíitén-oot = receiver ('he catches it')
Níhi’koohúúhuu = running back ('runner')
Hóóyeekúú-3i’ = linemen ('they stand beside each other')
Ciiciiheihíí-ho’ = cheerleaders ('trillers')