Child and Daycare
"Most Wanted Phrases"



The Bilingual Preschool of Arapahoe


This page was produced in collaboration with Arapaho-speaking pre-school teachers and their assistants, who discussed the phrases they use most often, and the phrases they need to know the most.


When two possibilities are given, they both mean exactly the same thing, and are just examples of minor dialect differences in pronunciation. After each "most wanted phrase" are examples of variations of the phrase that you might also use.


Play Heeteenebín heiteh’éího’ (respect them) = Be nice to your friends

    Niiteheibín heiteh’éího’ (help them) = Be nice to your friends


Play Nehéíc or nehéícoo = Come here

Play Cihcíitei = Come in


Play Niisi3ei’i (means ‘work!’) = Do your work

Play Níístii (means ‘do it!’) = Do your work

Play Neniisi3ei'i-noo = I'm working

Play Neniisi3ei'i-t = He/she is working

Play Neniisi3ei'i-3i' = They are working

Play Neniisi3ei'i-no' = We are working


Play Ciibéhnihi’kóóhu = Don’t run

Play Nii’óóke’ = Good morning

Play Hiisibí = Lay down


Play Niiteiyookuu or niiteiyeekuu = Line up

Play Neniiteiyookuu-3i' (or Play neniiteiyeekuu-3i') = They are lined up

Play Neniiteiyookuu-no' (or Play neniiteiyeekuu-no') = We are lined up


Play Ceh’é3tii = Listen

Play Ceeh'e3tii-noo = I'm listening

Play Ceeh'e3tii-no' = We're listening

Play Ceeh'e3tii-t = He/she is listening

Play Ceeh'e3tii-3i' = They are listening


Play (Cih)noohow-u or (cih)néí’oohow-u = Look at me

Play Cihnoohob-ei'ee or Play cihnei'oohob-ei'ee = Look at us

Play Noohow-un or Play noohow-unee = Look at him/her/them


Play Ho-tousíhi’ = What’s your name?

Play Tousihi' = What's his/her name?

Play Ne-niisih’íít = My name

Play He-niisih'iit = Your name

Play Hi-niisih'iit = His/her name


Play Ceenóku = Sit down

Play Ko’éíci = Sit in a circle

Play Koo'eici-3i' = They are sitting in a circle

Play Koo'eici-no' = We are sitting in a circle

Play Téiitoonóku = Sit still

Play Teneiitoonoku-3i' = They are sitting still

Play Teneiitoonoku-no' = We are sitting still

Play Teneiitoonoku-t = He/she is sitting still

Play Teneiitoonoku-noo = I am sitting still


Play Kooxo'usee-noo = Slow down

    Koxo’usee (means 'walk slow') = I have slowed down

Play Kooxo'usee-t = He/she has slowed down


Play Bíh’inkuutii = Turn off the lights

Play Biih'inkuutii-noo = I have turned off the lights

Play Biih'inkuutii-t = He/she has turned off the lights

Play Noh’óéseikuutii = Turn on the lights

Play Nooh'oeseikuutii-noo = I have turned on the lights

Play Nooh'oeseikuutii-t = He/she has turned on the lights


Play Cebísee = Walk

Play Ceebisee-noo = I'm walking

Play Ceebisee-t = He/she is walking

Play Ceeb(i)see-3i' = They are walking

Play Ceeb(i)see-no' = We are walking


Play Tou’óuu3 = What day is it?

Play Coowo’óó’ (means 'it [weekend] is past') = Monday

Play Niis nonóóke’ (means 'second day') = Tuesday

Play Nees nonóóke’ (means 'third day') = Wednesday

Play Yein nonóóke’ (means 'fouth day') = Thursday

Play Neh’einíísi’ or Play neh’eheiníísi’ (means 'butchering day') = Friday

Play Hoxóbetiiníísi’ (means 'rations day') = Saturday

Play Béteeníísi’ (means 'holy day') = Sunday


Play Tóusoo cé’e3í’ = What is it like outside?

Play Heniinoonóe’ti’ = Cloudy

Play Tooyo3óó’ = Cold

Play Heesítee’ = Hot

Play Honoosóó’ or Play honoosóóti’ = Raining

Play Nooh’óuute’ = Sunny

Play Beneecí’ = Snowing

Play Heeséíse’ = Windy


    Koonéeni’ííni or kooníini'ííni = Are things good?

Play Hee(m)/ ‘oo(f) néeni’ííni or níini'ííni = Yes, things are good

Play Hiiko, hoowniini'iini or hoowneeni'iini = No, things are not good


Play Heitóustoo = What are you doing?

Play Heitoustoo-be = What are you (plural) doing?

Play Hiitoustoo = What is he/she doing?

Play Hiitoustoo-no' = What are they doing?


Play Tootéí’eihoo = Where are you going?

Play Tootii'ihoo = Where is she/he going?

Play Tootii'ihoo-no' = Where are they going?

Play Tootei'eihoo-be = Where are you (plural) going?


Play Heetce’noohóbeen or heetce’nóóhobé3en (means 'I'll see you again') = Goodbye