At the Casino
Lots of people love to go to the casinos to play the machines, eat, see friends, and generally have fun. Here are some words and phrases you can use to talk about these things.

or cebiihineeno'oowu' ('gambling house')
= Casino
Ceebiihinee-noo = I'm gambling
Heh-won-cebiihinee-n = Let's go gamble!
Ciibeh-cebiihinee = Don't gamble!
= I'm going to gamble
Koo-heet-won-cebiihinee = Are you going to go gamble?
Heenetii-noo ne-bei'ci3ei'i = I have lost my money
Nih-'enetii-t hi-bei'ci3ei'i = He/she lost his/her money
Ciibeh-'enetii he-bei'ci3ei'i (base: henetii-)
= Don't lose your money
Koonoh-'enetii-noo ne-bei'ci3ei'i
= I have lost all my money
Nih-konoh-'enetii-3i' hi-bei'ci3ei'i
= They lost all their money
Bei'ci3ei'i = Money
= I won
Nih-'oyei-t = He/she won
Koo-heih-'oyei? (base: hoyei-) = Did you win?
Neih-'oow-oyei = I didn't win
Koo-hih-'oyei = Did he/she win?
= He/she didn't win

Ceebiihetiinoo' ('it plays against you') = Machine, slot machine
Hiitousiinikotiitoon = How do you play this one?
Neihoowoe'in niisiinikotiitooni' = I don't know how to play this one
Hoowuni'oo nuhu' ceebiihetiinoo' = This machine is no good
Konoh'oyoot ('winning it all') = Jackpot
Nih-konoh'oyoot-o' ('he/she won it all') = He/she won the jackpot
= I won the jackpot
Yeheihoo'iiheihoo, koonoh'oyoot-ow! = Hey, you won the jackpot!
Koo-heih-konoh'oyootDid you win the jackpot?
Koo-hih-konoh'oyoot = Did he/she win the jackpot?
Hih-'oow-konoh'oyoot = He/she didn't win the jackpot

Money Vocabulary
Niibe'ehiht = 1 cent, penny (means 'little red/copper one')
Nookoyouhu' = 5 cents, nickle (means 'little white/silver one')
Kookouniisouhu' = 10 cents, dime (means 'little thin one')
Cebeeniihi'i = 25 cents, quarters (means 'one fourth/quarter')
Neniiseti' = $1 bill
Yonoo3onei'i = $5
Beeteetoxei'i = $10
Niisoo' = $20
Yoo3oyoo' = $50
Beteetosoo' = $100
Common phrases
Heetn-iinikotii-noo niibe'ehiht = I'm going to play the penny machines
Heetn-iinikotii-noo cebeenihi' = I'm going to play quarter machines
Heniinikotii-noo neniiseti'i
= I'm playing dollar machines
Nih-nookonibiihinee-t = He/she gambled all night long
= I'm going to gamble all night long
Konoutoku-t hinee ceebiihinoot
= He/she has been sitting at that machine for a long time
Yehei/'iihei, nono3oxu'utii-n he-bei'ci3ei'i
= Gee, you're wasting your money!
Ciibeh-no3onoxu'utii he-bei'ci3ei'iwo = Don't waste your money!