LING7800-001: Approaches to Variation and Gradience in Lexical Categorization (Francis)
LING7800-002: Canonical Typology (Corbett)
LING7800-003: Comparative Arabic and Semitic Syntax and Morphology (Benmamoun)
LING7800-004: Computational Approaches to Discourse Structure (Hinrichs and Versley) cancelled
LING7800-005: Computational Extraction of Social and Interactional Meaning from Speech (Jurafsky, Ostendorf)
LING7800-006: Computational Lexical Semantics (Fellbaum, Palmer)
LING7800-007: Computational Pragmatics (Potts)
LING7800-008: Computational Psycholinguistics (Jaeger, Levy)
LING7800-009: Conceptual Categories and Linguistic Categories (Levin, Rappaport Hovav)
LING7800-010: Contact Spanish in the US (Toribio, Bullock)
LING7800-011: Defining English for Global Consumers: A Course in Practical Lexicography (Hargraves)
LING7800-012: Emergent Grammar: Reducing the Role of Universal Grammar in Phonology (Archangeli, Pulleyblank)
LING7800-013: Empirical and Computational Approaches to Phonological and Morphological Acquisition (Demuth, Johnson) cancelled
LING7800-014: Event-Related Potentials and the Neural Mechanisms of On-line Language Comprehension (Kim, Osterhout)
LING7800-015: An Experimental Perspective on the Syllable (Hammond, Ohala)
LING7800-016: Experimental Pragmatics (Ward, Horton)
LING7800-017: Field Methods and Endangered Languages (Rice)
LING7800-018: Frame Semantics and Verb Constructions (Bouveret, Sweetser)
LING7800-019: From Syntax to Natural Logic (Zaenen, Karttunen)
LING7800-020: Gesture from a Linguistic Point of View (Cienki, Müller)
LING7800-021: Grammatical Illusions: Encoding and Navigating Linguistic Structures in Real Time (Phillips)
LING7800-022: Harmonic Grammar: Models and Methods (Pater)
LING7800-023: Historical Morphology (Harris)
LING7800-024: Infant Speech Perception: Implications for Language (Acquisition) Theories (Cristià, Seidl)
LING7800-025: Information Structure and the Syntax-Semantics Interface (Van Valin)
LING7800-026: Information Structure in First Language Acquisition (Narasimhan, Chen)
LING7800-027: Information-Based Phonology (Hall, Hume)
LING7800-028: Integrating Phonological and Psycholinguistic Theory (Goldrick)
LING7800-029: Interaction and Grammar (Couper-Kuhlen, Fox, Hayashi, Sorjonen)
LING7800-030: Introduction to Computational Linguistics (Kübler)
LING7800-031: Introduction to Conversation Analysis (Mandelbaum)
LING7800-032: An Introduction to Dialectology (Preston)
LING7800-033: Introduction to Formal Semantics (Katz)
LING7800-034: Introduction to Morphology (Inkelas)
LING7800-035: Introduction to Probability and Information Theory (Malouf)
LING7800-036: Introduction to Psycholinguistics (Griffin)
LING7800-037: An Introduction to Sociophonetics (Di Paolo, Yaeger-Dror)
LING7800-038: Introduction to Syntax (Carnie)
LING7800-039: Issues in the Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics of Oneida (Iroquoian) (Koenig, Michelson)
LING7800-040: Lakota Structure with Glances at Some Other Siouan Languages (Rood)
LING7800-041: Language and Law (Kaplan)
LING7800-042: Language and Race (Chun)
LING7800-043: Language and Sexuality (Barrett)
LING7800-044: Language Endangerment and Maintenance: Community Responses and Linguist's Contributions (England, Mateo-Toledo)
LING7800-045: Language Evolution (Heine) cancelled
LING7800-046: Language in Latin America (Guy)
LING7800-047: Language Variation and the Mass Media (Queen)
LING7800-048: Language, Gender, and Sexuality in the Material World (Bucholtz, Hall)
LING7800-049: Learning in Generative Grammar: Representation, Intake and Update (Lidz)
LING7800-050: Linguistic Field Methods (Evans, Baiio)
LING7800-051: Mathematical Models of Language Change (Croft, Blythe)
LING7800-052: The Morphosyntax of Hiaki (Harley)
LING7800-053: Multilingual Linguistic Annotation (Xue)
LING7800-054: Nativism, Formal Learning Theory, and Universal Grammar (Clark, Lappin)
LING7800-055: Person Indexicals: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective (Wechsler)
LING7800-056: Phonetic Theory (McGuire)
LING7800-057: Phonetic Variation in Speech Perception (Sumner)
LING7800-058: Pidgin and Creole Languages: A Linguistic, Historical and Cognitive Overview (Baptista)
LING7800-059: Prosody in the Lab (Wagner)
LING7800-060: Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R (Gries)
LING7800-061: Scope and Negation: Typological Diversity Meets Computational Semantics (Penn, Richter)
LING7800-062: Semantic Universals and Semantic Typology (Bach, Chao)
LING7800-063: Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining (Nicolov, Martin) cancelled
LING7800-064: Sign Language Development by Deaf and Hearing Children (Pichler, Lillo-Martin, Quadros)
LING7800-065: Sign-Based Construction Grammar (Sag)
LING7800-066: Situated Approaches to Language Variation (Mendoza-Denton, Meyerhoff)
LING7800-067: Sociolinguistic Cognition (Campbell-Kibler)
LING7800-068: Sociolinguistic Variation (Eckert)
LING7800-069: The Sociolinguistics of Language Change (Tagliamonte)
LING7800-070: Sociolinguistics of Language Endangerment (Bradley, Bradley)
LING7800-071: Sound Change in the Laboratory (Ohala)
LING7800-072: Statistical Syntactic Parsing (Hwa)
LING7800-073: Syntax/Typology (Nikolaeva)
LING7800-074: Text-to-Speech Synthesis (Hirschberg)
LING7800-075: Topics in Oceanic Linguistics (François)
LING7800-076: Treebanking and the Theoretical Linguist (Xia, Bhatt)
LING7800-077: Usage-Based Linguistics (Kemmer, Barlow)
LING7800-078: Using Free-View Eye-Tracking to Study Spoken Language (Tanenhaus, Trueswell)
LING7800-079: Vagueness (Kennedy)
LING7800-080: Word and Paradigm Morphology: Data and Analysis (Blevins, Ackerman)