Introduction to Computational Linguistics
Instructor(s): Sandra Kübler
The course will provide an introduction to Computational Linguistics (CL). Computational Linguistics is an interdisciplinary area of research located between Linguistics, Computer Science, and Cognitive Science. It has as its goals applications such as machine translations, automatic summarization, human-computer interaction, or intelligent searching. The course will be a combination of overview lectures and hands-on courses.
in the course, we will first discuss different concepts in CL, then we will cover the different linguistic levels of analysis used in CL: morphology, morpho-syntax (POS tagging), syntax (parsing), and semantics. For morphology and morpho-syntax, we will look at finite-state technology. FOr morphology, we will use finite-state transducers, and for POS tagging, we will discuss Hidden Markov Models and work with TnT. In parsing, we will discuss PCFGs and work with LoPar. In semantics, we will discuss word sense disambiguation. In the last week, we will have a look at machine translation, and we will compare two online translation applications.
Familiarity with basic concepts in linguistics and especially in syntax. Some programming experience will be advantageous but not required.
Mon & Thu 10:30-12:15
Classroom: CLARE 111
Areas of Linguistics:
Computational Linguistics
Applications of Linguistics
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