Using Free-View Eye-Tracking to Study Spoken Language
Instructor(s): Michael Tanenhaus and John Trueswell
In this course we review the burgeoning literature on the use of eye movements to study spoken language comprehension. We highlight some of the seminal studies and examine how this visual world approach to studying language processing can be used to address issues in spoken word recognition, parsing, reference resolution, and topics in experimental pragmatics, including interactive conversation. We consider some of the methodological issues that come to the fore when psycholinguists use eye movements to examine spoken language comprehension, including issues of data analysis. In addition to lectures, we also provide students with hands-on experience designing and analyzing visual world experiments in a laboratory setting using one or more portable eye-trackers. Students are expected to complete all assigned readings, attend labs (outside of regular class times), and complete a short research proposal, preferably with some pilot data collected using the eyetrackers. People are encouraged to work in teams of two or three. Students enrolled in the class will be expected to be pilot subjects for each other.
No prerequisites
Mon & Thu 8:30-10:15
Classroom: MUEN D428
Areas of Linguistics:
Language Development and