Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Instructor(s): Julia Hirschberg
Text-to-Speech synthesis (TTS) is the technology behind the speech generation found in most Spoken Dialogue Systems. The goal of TTS research is to produce speech that sounds as natural as speech a human would produce -- using only text as input. In this class, we will explore the different components of current TTS systems, including text analysis, pronunciation assignment, intonation assignment, and speech realization, and how many of these might be improved using more linguistic knowledge. We will examine existing commercial systems and develop evaluation procedures for them. Students will work in pairs to build simple TTS systems of their own from Festival TTS components.
Students should have a basic knowledge of one scripting language (e.g. Perl, Python) or find another class member with such knowledge to partner with.
Tue & Fri 10:30-12:15
Classroom: ATLAS 1B25
Areas of Linguistics:
Computational Linguistics