Section Twenty - Part FourNegatives
These are the negative forms involving you and me:
1-2 | n/héíhoowunóóhobé3 |
1-2p | n/héíhoowunóóhobe3ébe |
2-1 | héíhoowunóóhow |
2p-1 | héíhoowunóóhowúbe |
1p-2 | héíhoowunoohóbeé |
1p-2p | héíhoowunoohobéébe |
2-1p | héíhoowunóóhobéi'ee |
2p-1p | héíhoowunóóhobéi'éébe |
And the third and fourth person forms:
singular object | plural object | |
1-3 | néíhoowunoohówoo | neihoowunoohówoono' |
2-3 | héíhoowunoohówoo | heihoowunoohówoono' |
3-4 | hoowunoohóbee | same as sing. |
1p-3 | néíhoowunóóhowóóbe | same as sing. |
12-3 | héíhoowunoohówoon | same as sing. |
2p-3 | héíhoowunóóhowóóbe | same as sing. |
3p-4 | hoowunoohóbeeno' | same as sing. |
singular actor | plural actor | |
3-1 | néíhoowunoohóbe' | same as sing. |
3-2 | héíhoowunoohóbe' | same as sing. |
4-3 | hoowunoohóbe' | same as sing. |
3-1p | néíhoowunóóhobéibé | same as sing. |
3-12 | héíhoowunóóhobéin | same as sing. |
3-2p | héíhoowunóóhobéibé | same as sing. |
4-3p | hoowunoohóbei’i | same as sing. |
Some negative examples are as follows (from Salzmann):
héíhoownoohobé3 | I do not see you(sg). |
héíhoowunoohobe3ébe | I do not see you(pl). |
néíhoowunoohówoono' | I do not see them. |
héíhoowunoohówoo | You(sg) do not see him/her. |
héíhoowunoohóbeé | We do not see you. |
héíhoowunoohóbe' | He does not see you. |
héíhoowunoohobéibé | They/he do not see you(pl). |
Some interrogative examples are as follows (from Salzmann):
koohónoohobé3 | Do I see you? |
koohéneyéi3éíh | Do you teach me? |
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