Lesson Twenty-Two - Part One
Combining Past Tense with Questions & Negation



The following two tense and mode forms can be combined. Study the following:


neihoowtéí'eih I am not strong
neih'oowtéí'eih I was not strong
koohetéí'eih Are you strong?
kooheihtéí'eih Were you strong?


All negative forms can be put in the past tense by adding an -h- after the first prefix (nei-, etc). Note that -hoow- then becomes -'oow-.

All question forms can be put in the past tense by adding an -h- after the second prefix (nei-, etc), just like with the negative.

More examples are:


kooh(e)ihto'óót Did you strike it?
kooheihto'óotéébe Did you(pl) strike it?
né(i)h'ihoowuto'óótobe We did not strike it
néih'oowuto'óóteebe (same as above)

tonóehinoo I am cold
néih'(h)oowtóe I was not cold

heníícoot He is smoking.
koohuh'uucóó Did he smoke?
koohuh'íiicóó (same as above)



Go on to Part Two of this Lesson