Section Twenty - Part Three Summary of TA Verbs - Continued
Comparing the above forms to those already seen for TI, you will notice many similarities. "To see" for example is nonoohoot- for TI and nonoohob- for TA. In fact, the actual root is nonooh- and the -oot and -ob are endings unique to TI and TA verbs. This is very similar to the difference between niihoo-yoo- and niihoo-neihi-, where the same root forms two different verb stems by the addition of two different endings prior to the final pronouns. The opposition of -oot and -ob (and variations) is very common in Arapaho with many different verbs. For example:
nii'een- | "like" |
nii'eeneb-é3en | I like you (TA) |
nii'eenéét-owoo | I like it (TI) |
heesooh- | "watch" |
heesóóhob-é3en | I am watching you (TA) |
heesoohóót-owoo | I am watching it (TI) |
There are many other types of TI/TA pairs of this type, which will be discussed later. Simply as examples, we give the following:
hootoonoo- | "transfer" |
hootóónoo3-ó' | I am buying it (TA) |
hootoonóót-owoo | I am buying it (TI) |
teeb- | "separate" |
téébes-ó' | I am cutting it off (TA) |
teebéx-owoo | I am cutting it off (TI) |