Lesson Nineteen - Part Two Proximate/Obviate with Nouns
Nouns change their form to indicate obviative or proximate status:
hinén = man (prox) | hinén(i)nó' = men (prox) |
hinénin = man (obv) | hinén(i)no = men (obv) |
hísei = woman (prox) | híseino' = women (prox) |
hísein = woman (obv) | híseino = women (obv) |
Here are two examples of sentences with nouns in them:
Néhe' hísei ceebísee-t, 'oh núhu' hinén-in nííhi'kóóhu-ní3. |
This woman(prox) is walking, but this other man(obv, less important) is running. |
Hísei-no' nii'í3ecóó-3i', 'oh hinén-ino teneení3ecoo-ní3i. |
The women(prox) are happy, but the other men(obv) are sad. |
Proximate/Obviative with
Adjectives/Descriptive Verbs
Whenever adjective-like verbs occur, there is agreement between the adjective verb and the noun:
néhe’ | bee’éíhi-t | he3 |
This | red-3 | dog(obv) |
'This red dog' |
núhu’ | bee’éíhi-ní3 | hé3-ebii |
This | red-4 | dog(obv) |
'This other red dog' |