Lesson Fourteen - Part One
TA Questions and Negatives


The following is the text of a Wolf Song (also called Comanche Song) recorded by Willard Rhodes in the early 1950's. Notice that it has a TA verb in the second line, which occurs as a question form:


honóh'oe Young man,
koohonóóhow do you see me?
nenééninoo It is I,
henéécee níhoonéíh Yellow Bull.

honoh'oe koo-ho-nóóhow neneeni-noo heneecee nihooneih
young man/boy INTERR-2-see it is-I buffalo bull yellow


When using TA verbs, questions and negations work just like with AI verbs. The final suffix is replaced by a prefix, and there is no initial change:


beetéee-n you are dancing
heihoowu-betéee you are not dancing
koohé-betéee are you dancing?

nonoohob-é3e-n I see you
heihoowu-noohob-é3 I don't see you
(some say neihoownoohobé3)
kooho-noohob-é3 Do I see you?
(some say koononoohobé3)


You see that the system is just like before - it's just a matter of practice making all the changes at one time. The first part of the suffix (the -e3e- and the -ee-) acts like it's part of the verb, and it stays the same place all the time, so you only have to worry about the ending. Here's an example with 'we':


nonoohób-ee-n we see you
heihoowu-noohób-eé we don't see you
kooho-noohób-eé do we see you?



Exercises for Lesson Fourteen