A story told by Dickie Moss.
nuhu’ hiitoo3noohoo3ootiini’, nihii niinoohooto’.
this telescope [a person] sees things
hini’ heetni’iitoo3no’noeni’i heeyouhuu.
that they will be brought closer with it things
hi’in nenee’.
that it
he’ihnii3in; he’ih’iino’ei ciisiniihi’; he’ihnoohobee bih’i[o].
[this man] possessed it he was hunting far away he saw him deer
he’ihnoohobee he’iitnei’i.
he saw him somewhere
hoowuni’ii, hoowuni’ii cooco’oxetiin.
he could not use it... he could not use it brush [to sneak up]
he could not
ho3es 3ii’ookuut.
plain view he is standing
he wants to kill it
“wohei,” heehehk, “noonoko’.”
wohei he said might as well
maybe I would be able to give it a try
‘oh hiihoowuhciixokut.
but it was sitting too far away
I might miss it
wohei hini’iit ni’iitoo3noohootiiini’, he’ih’ini... ne’woowo’beno’.
wohei that telescope he... then he focused it
heihii he’ih’e3ebtoo3iiini.
soon it was closer over there
he’ihcih’ii3itoniini honoot hee3e’eekuut.
it was made closer and larger until it was standing in front of him
‘oh [he’ih]nihne’cihwo’owtoo3no’enee.
but then he made it even closer to him
ne’beebesteh’einoot, nuhu’ hitiicoono.
then he felt around its belly these its ribs
it was fat
it had been brought very close
he’ih3i’ookuun, ne’coboot.
it was standing there then he shot it
noh nenee’.
and [that’s] it
hi3oowotoo wo’ei3 ciibeh’i3oowotoo.
believe it or don’t believe it