Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
University of Colorado Boulder
Faculty Fellow
Institute of Cognitive Science
I am an Associate Professor of Linguistics. Before moving to the University of Colorado, I was an Ikerbasque visiting professor in Computer Science at the University of the Basque Country. Prior to that, I did postdoctoral work in Helsinki as a Marie Curie Fellow. My PhD is from the University of Arizona. My research focuses on modeling and learning natural language structure, particularly in the domains of morphology and phonology. I often employ and develop formal and machine learning methods to this end.
Department of Linguistics
University of Colorado Boulder
Faculty Fellow
Institute of Cognitive Science
New CoNLL SIGMORPHON shared task on Universal Morphological Reinflection, featuring a new task on contextual word inflection! Presented at CoNLL 2018, held at EMNLP 2018. See the results here! New ComputEL Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages co-located with ICLDC 6 at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. We organized a CoNLL shared task on Universal Morphological Reinflection at CoNLL 2017, held at ACL 2017! Results here. We organized the 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages co-located with ICLDC 2017 at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Recent Publications (2016–)
- Silfverberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2018). An Encoder-Decoder Approach to the Paradigm Cell Filling Problem. In Proceedings of EMNLP. pdf code slides
- Chen, H.; Hulden, M. (2018). The Computational Complexity of Distinctive Feature Minimization in Phonology. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT. pdf code poster
- Silfverberg, M.; Liu, L.; Hulden, M. (2018). A Computational Model for the Linguistic Notion of Morphological Paradigm. In Proceedings of COLING 2018. pdf code
- Silfverberg, M.; Mao. L. J.; Hulden, M. (2018). Sound Analogies with Phoneme Embeddings. In Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). pdf data&code poster
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Sylak-Glassman, J.; Walther, G.; Vylomova, E.; McCarthy, A. D.; Kann, K.; Mielke, S.; Nicolai, G.; Silfverberg, M.; Yarowsky, D.; Eisner, J.; Hulden, M. (2018). The CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection. In Proceedings of the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection. pdf www github slides
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Hulden, M.; Eisner, J. (2018). Quantifying the Trade-off Between Two Types of Morphological Complexity. In Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL). pdf slides
- Wiemerslage, A.; Silfverberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2018). Phonological Features for Morphological Inflection. In Proceedings of SIGMORPHON. pdf
- McCarthy, A. D.; Silfverberg, M.; Cotterell, R.; Hulden, M.; Yarowsky, D. (2018). Marrying Universal Dependencies and Universal Morphology. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018). pdf github
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Hulden, M.; Eisner, J. (2018). On the Complexity and Typology of Inflectional Morphological Systems. In Transactions of the ACL (TACL). slides
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Hulden, M.; Eisner, J. (2018). On the Diachronic Stability of Irregularity in Inflectional Morphology. In NAACL. arXiv
- Kirov, C.; Cotterell, R.; Sylak-Glassman, J.; Walther, G.; Vylomova, E.; Xia, P.; Faruqui, M.; Mielke, S. J.; McCarthy, A.; Kubler, S.; Yarowsky, D.; Eisner, J.; Hulden, M. (2018). UniMorph 2.0: Universal Morphology. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2018). pdf data
- Lovick, O.; Cox, C.; Silfverberg, M.; Arppe, A.; Hulden, M. (2018). A Computational Architecture for the Morphology of Upper Tanana. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2018). pdf
- Silfverberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2018). Initial Experiments in Data-Driven Morphological Analysis for Finnish. In Proceedings of IWCLUL. pdf
- Moeller, S.; Hulden, M. (2018). Automatic Glossing in a Low-Resource Setting for Language Documentation. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of Polysynthetic Languages. pdf
- Moeller, S.; Kazeminejad, G.; Cowell, A; Hulden, M. (2018). A Neural Morphological Analyzer for Arapaho Verbs Learned from a Finite State Transducer. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of Polysynthetic Languages. pdf
- Hulden, M. (2018, in print). Formal Verification in Optimality Theory. Essays in honor of Lauri Karttunen. CSLI: Stanford
- Hulden, M. (2018). Finite-State Technology. In Ruslan Mitkov (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press. link
- Hulden, M. (2017). Formal and Computational Verification of Phonological Analyses. Phonology 34(2), pages 407–435. doi code
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Sylak-Glassman, J.; Walther, G.; Vylomova, E.; Xia, P.; Faruqui, M.; Kübler, S.; Yarowsky, D.; Eisner, J.; Hulden, M. (2017). CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection in 52 Languages. In Proceedings of the CoNLL SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection. pdf www github
- Hulden, M. (2017). A Phoneme Clustering Algorithm Based on the Obligatory Contour Principle. In Proceedings of CoNLL. pdf code poster
- Hulden, M. (2017). Rewrite Rule Grammars with Multitape Automata. Journal of Language Modelling 5(1):107–130. pdf code
- Agirrezabal, M.; Alegria, M.; Hulden, M. (2017). A Comparison of Feature-Based and Neural Scansion of Poetry. Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP). pdf
- Silfverberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2017). Weakly Supervised Learning of Allomorphy. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP (SCLeM). pdf code
- Silfverberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2017). Automatic Morpheme Segmentation and Labeling in Universal Dependencies resources. In Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2017). pdf code slides
- Liu, L.; Hulden, M. (2017). Evaluation of Finite State Morphological Analyzers Based on Paradigm Extraction from Wiktionary. In Proceedings of FSMNLP. pdf
- Arppe, A.; Cox, C.; Hulden, M.; Lachler, J.; Moshagen, S. N.; Silfverberg, M.; Trosterud, T. (2017). Computational modeling of the verb in Dene languages. The case of Tsuut'ina. In Working Papers in Athabascan Linguistics ("Red Book" series), Alaska Native Language Center.
- Kazeminejad, G.; Cowell, A.; Hulden, M. (2017). Creating lexical resources for polysynthetic languages—the case of Arapaho. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages (ComputEL). Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf
- Mao, L. J.; Hulden, M. (2016). How Regular is Japanese Loanword Adaptation? A Computational Study. In Proceedings of COLING 2016. pdf
- Agirrezabal, M.; Algeria, I.; Hulden, M. (2016). Machine Learning for Metrical Analysis of English Poetry. In Proceedings of COLING 2016. pdf
- Cotterell, R.; Kirov, C.; Sylak-Glassman, J.; Yarowsky, D.; Eisner, J.; Hulden, M. (2016). The SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task—Morphological Reinflection. In Proceedings of SIGMORPHON. Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf www slides
- Forsberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2016). Learning Transducer Models for Morphological Analysis from Example Inflections. In Proceedings of StatFSM. Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf slides
- Etxeberria, I.; Alegria, I.; Uria, L.; Hulden, M. (2016). Combining Phonology and Morphology for the Normalization of Historical Texts. In Proceedings of LaTeCH. Association for Computational Linguistics. pdf
- Agirrezabal, M.; Astigarraga, A.; Arrieta, B.; Hulden, M. (2016). ZeuScansion: A tool for scansion of English poetry. Journal of Language Modelling, Vol 4. No. 1, pp. 3-28. pdf
- Forsberg, M.; Hulden, M. (2016). Deriving Morphological Analyzers from Example Inflections. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2016). pdf
- Smith, D. E.; Hulden, M. (2016). Morphological Analysis of Sahidic Coptic for Automatic Glossing. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2016). pdf
- Etxeberria, I.; Alegria, I.; Uria, L.; Hulden, M. (2016). Evaluating the Noisy Channel Model for the Normalization of Historical Texts: Basque, Spanish, and Slovene. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2016). pdf
- Francom, J.; Hulden, M. (2016). Spanish Diacritic Error Correction and Restoration—A Survey. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 9561:290–303. Special Issue: Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics. link A more complete list of my publications can be found here.