Uses of Plants in Arapaho
Many people think of the Plains tribes such as the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Lakota and others as relying primarily on the buffalo for their sustenance. While this is certainly true in many ways, the Arapaho used a great variety of plants as well. Their use of plants falls into four major categories. Under each category are listed some of the most important plants for the use in question.
Food plants
Berries: chokecherry, buffaloberry, gooseberry, currant, grape, serviceberry, cherry, strawberry, plum, rasperry, skunkberryRoots: arrowroot, wild carrot, indian potato, biscuitroot, bitterroot, wild onion, hog peanut
Greens: wild onion, thistle, clover, bolete mushrooms
Medicinal plants
1) Gastro-intestinal: rocky mountain juniper, mint, sweet cicely, buckwheat, rose, common juniper2) Dermatological: milkweed, thistle, lichen, sorrel, nettle
3) Respiratory: sneezeweed, rocky mountain juniper, common juniper, mullein
4) Pain reliever: sage, sneezeweed, gilia, indian potato, willow
5) Urinary and kidney: horsetail, mint, dandelion
6) Cough, throat: indian turnip, rocky mountain and common juniper, indian potato
Ceremonial and smoking plants
Sage, sweetgrass, subalpine fir, rocky mountain juniper, bearberry, red-osier dogwood, indian turnip, plains cottonwood, mountain birchTools, implements, dyes, perfumes, etc.
Willow, lodgepole pine, plains cottonwood, yucca, box elder, mint, wild rose, sorrel, toadflax, oregon grape, alumroot, sage, mountain birchGo straight to complete lists of Arapaho plants:
Alphabetical Listing of Plants Used by the Arapaho (listed by English name)