

Scientific Name

Rhus aromatica/Rhus trilobata


1. coo3o’úwuno ; 2. bee’éí’i ; 3. hice’iisihiho’? ; noowúbe’éí’i

Translation of the Arapaho

1. ‘enemy/Comanche berries’ ; 2. ‘red berries’ 3. ??; 4. 'southern red berries'

Skunkbrush and the Arapaho

Food: sauce; spice; jelly. The berries are eaten - primarily mixed with other ingredients to add flavoring, or as a gravy (be’eebe’eek). The berries were normally pounded and then dried. They could be saved for long periods in sacks. When the gravy was wanted, they were boiled and flour was added. In earlier Reservation times, jelly was made with these berries as well, using store-bought thickening agents.

Drug: snakebite remedy. Kroeber says noowube’ei’i was used in medicinal mixtures, including for snakebite.