
horsetail ferns ; Equisetum arvense [Horsetail]; also other Equisetum spp, and probably Hippochaete spp [Scouring-Rush]



Translation of the Arapaho

‘hollow joints’


Horsetail in the Arapaho

Drug: kidney aid; urinary aid.. Medicinally Equisetum arvense in particular is the species used. The plant is picked and then boiled to make a tea. The tea is used to “flush the kidneys” and is also reported to taste good. It was used for gall bladder troubles and gall stones as well.

Drug: oral aid. The plant was dried, ground up into a powdered form, and then applied (directly?) to cancre sores in the mouth.

When talking descriptively, the above name is generally applied to all plants such as horsetails and scouring rush. This name is applied by the Arapaho to ‘bamboo’ as well, and in general to any ‘jointed grass.’ (‘Joint grass’ is a common Arapaho English name for the above species.)