Assignment 1: 50 Points

Your task in this assignment is to write a python program that accepts as input a plain text newspaper article and returns the number of paragraphs, sentences, and words contained in the article.  You should try to be appropriately modular and forward-looking in this homework, as you may want to reuse the code in future assignments.

Use this file as a development example. Don't try to fit your code too closely to this single example.  Try to generalize (a bit) from what you encounter in it.

What to Turn In

I will post a test file shortly before the due date.  Email me as attachments:

1. Your code as <lastname-firstname>

2. A short report of what you did and all the various assumptions you made, including the result of running your code on the development article and the test article.  As part of this description, you should discuss how you think a system such as yours should be evaluated.  This should be <lastname-firstname>-assgn1-report.pdf.

This is due on February 5 by 2400.