NP.theme V |
example |
"The ball rolled."
syntax |
Theme V
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_prep, prep)
NP V PP.location |
example |
"The ball rolled down the hill."
syntax |
Theme V {{+spatial}} Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
NP V NP.theme |
example |
"Bill rolled the ball."
syntax |
Agent V Theme
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
cause(Agent, E)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
NP V NP PP.location |
example |
"Bill rolled the ball down the hill."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {{+path}} Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
cause(Agent, E)
example |
"Bill rolled the drawer open."
syntax |
Agent V Theme Result
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
cause(Agent, E)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Source, ch_of_state, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Result, ch_of_state, prep)
NP V NP PP.result |
example |
"Bill rolled the drawer to an open position."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {to into} Result [+state]
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
cause(Agent, E)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Source, ch_of_state, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Result, ch_of_state, prep)