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No Comments carve-21.2
Members: 0, Frames: 0
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Members Key
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Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
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No Comments carve-21.2-1
Members: 34, Frames: 5

Members Key
bruise (wn 1, 4)
chip (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 5; g 1)
cleave (fn 1; wn 1, 2; g 1)
crumble (fn 1; wn 2; g 1)
crumple (fn 1; wn 3; g 2)
crunch (fn 1; wn 3, 4; g 2, 3)
crush (fn 1, 2, 3; wn 2, 4, 6, 8; g 1)
cube (wn 2)
dent (wn 1)
dice (wn 1)
fillet (wn 2)
flake (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
flatten (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
gash (wn 1)
gouge (wn 1, 3; g 1)
grate (fn 1; wn 3; g 3)
grind (fn 1; wn 1, 5; g 2)
mangle (wn 1; g 1)
mash (fn 1; wn 1, 3; g 1)
mince (fn 1; wn 3; g 3)
nick (fn 1; wn 1, 2)
notch (wn 1)
perforate (wn 1)
pulverize (fn 1; wn 1)
quarter (wn 3; g 3)
scollop (wn 3; g 3)
scrunch (wn 3)
shred (wn 1)
slice (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 3; g 1)
slit (wn 1, 2)
smash (fn 1, 2, 3; wn 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10; g 1)
squash (wn 1)
squish (wn 2)
trench (wn 5, 6)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
   example "Carol crushed the ice."
   syntax Agent V Patient
   semantics cause(Agent, E) contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient) physical_form(result(E), Form, Patient)
NP V NP PP.instrument
   example "Carol crushed the ice with a hammer."
   syntax Agent V Patient {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient) physical_form(result(E), Form, Patient) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
NP V ADVP-Middle
   example "The ice crushed easily."
   syntax Patient V ADV
   semantics degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient) physical_form(result(E), Form, Patient)
NP.instrument V NP
   example "The hammer crushed the marble."
   syntax Instrument V Patient
   semantics contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient) physical_form(result(E), Form, Patient)
NP.instrument V ADVP
   example "That hammer crushes well."
   syntax Instrument V ADV
   semantics property(Instrument, Prop) Adv(Prop)

No Comments carve-21.2-2
Members: 19, Frames: 5

Members Key
bore (wn 2)
carve (fn 1; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1)
chop (fn 1; wn 1, 5; g 1)
crop (wn 1; g 1)
crumb (wn 2; g 2)
drill (wn 1; g 1)
file (wn 2; g 2)
lance (wn 2, 3)
mangle (wn 1; g 1)
mill (wn 3)
mow (wn 1; g 1)
pink (g 3)
prune (wn 1)
punch (fn 1; wn 3; g 2)
sand (wn 1)
scollop (wn 1; g 1)
spear (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
tool (wn 3; g 2, 3)
tread (wn 5; g 2)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
   example "Carol carved the stone."
   syntax Agent V Patient
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), motion, Agent) contact(during(E), Agent, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient)
NP V NP PP.instrument
   example "Carol carved the stone with a chisel."
   syntax Agent V Patient {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), motion, Agent) contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
NP V ADVP-Middle
   example "The marble carved easily."
   syntax Patient V ADV
   semantics degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient)
NP.instrument V NP
   example "That chisel carved the statue."
   syntax Instrument V Patient
   semantics contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient) degradation_material_integrity(result(E), Patient)
NP.instrument V ADVP
   example "That chisel carves well."
   syntax Instrument V ADV
   semantics property(Instrument, Prop) Adv(Prop)


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