carve-v; 3 Senses

Sense Number 1: engrave, shape or cut by chipping away at the surface

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] CARVE NP2[product[concrete]] (PP {P NP3[substance]})

Helen carves toys for a living.
Carve a flower from the ice.
He carved his name into the bark.

VerbNet: build-26.1-1,carve-21.2-2,disassemble-23.3,scribble-25.2
FrameNet: Create_representation
PropBank: carve.02
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 1, 2

Sense Number 2: cut to pieces

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] CARVE (UP) NP2[theme[concrete]] (PP{INTO NP3[concrete]}) Includes: CARVE UP

He carved the turkey.
Father carved the tree into firewood.
Ancient man used stone tools to carve up the animals that they killed.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: Cutting
PropBank: carve.01
WordNet 3.0 Sense Numbers: 3
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
carve_up 1

Sense Number 3: create a variant

Commentary: Syntax Is: NP1[agent] CARVE (OUT/UP) NP2[patient[abstract]] PP{P NP3[abstract]} Includes: CARVE OUT, CARVE UP

The company carved out a niche in a competetive market.
She carved out a role for herself in the organization.
It's amazing how the Inuits are able to carve an existence from this place.

VerbNet: NM
FrameNet: NM
PropBank: carve.03
WordNet Verb Particle Constructions, Multiword Expressions:
carve_out 1