accept(File) - Method in class uvi.Generator.MyFilter
Returns whether or not to accept the given file based on this filter.
activeFile - Static variable in class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
The current XML file being processed in the Generator.generateHTMLFiles() method.
addLink(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Index
Registers a verb and one link with the index.
addMapPair(String, String, String) - Static method in class uvi.VN_FN_Map
Registers a VerbNet-FrameNet mapped pair to the mapping under for the given class.
addOthers(int) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Reads in data from an alternate data source (one other than VerbNet).
addWord(String, String) - Method in class uvi.WordLists
Adds a token to the specified list.
allFlags - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
An array of all possible flags that this program accepts.
allSenseLists - Static variable in class uvi.WordNet
Holds all the sense keys in VerbNet.
analyzeArguments(String[]) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Validates all of the command-line arguments and sets appropriate class-level variables.


beenUsed - Variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map.MapPair
Whether or not this mapping has been utilized somewhere in the UVI.


checkDTDFile() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Makes sure there is at least one DTD file in the XML input directory.
checkSupplementalFiles() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Makes sure all required supplemental files exist.
classes - Static variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map
An array which holds all of the mapping information.
classesWithSubclasses - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A string that holds in a list format all those XML files that contain subclasses.
classHierarchy - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A list of every class and subclass name in Verbnet.
classHierarchyPrint(Element, int, String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Prints the content of the Class Hierarchy box.
closeHTMLOutStream(PrintWriter, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Closes the output stream to a file.
cls - Variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map.ClassVerbs
The class (i.e. '9.1-1').
compareFirstNumber(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Helps with sorting the class hierarchy.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Performs a low-level copy of one file into another.
copySupplementalFiles() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Copies the supplemental files that belong in the HTML output directory to that directory.
count - Variable in class uvi.WordLists.WordList
The number of times this list is added to (regardless of whether the token being added to the list is not already added because it's already in the list)
count - Variable in class uvi.WordLists.WordListItem
The number of times this token was referenced.
createHTMLOutStream(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.
createHTMLOutStream(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.
createHTMLOutStream(String, String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates a new output file and returns an output stream to it.
createSubdirectories() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates the two subdirectories that the UVI utilizes for comments and users.
createSubdirectory(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
curClass - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The name of the current class or subclass being processed.
curFile - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
Used only to supply the correct web page link when add a member to the index.
curIndentLevel - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The current nesting level of the classes.
curMem - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
A counter maintained by each member section to keep track of which member (verb) is being printed currently.
curWriter - Static variable in class uvi.Q
The output stream for the current HTML file being processed.


DS_FRAMENET - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify FrameNet as a data source.
DS_GROUPING - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify the OntoNotes Sense Groupings as a data source.
DS_PROPBANK - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify PropBank as a data source.
DS_VERBNET - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify VerbNet as a data source.
DS_VN_CYC - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify the VerbNet-Cyc mapping as a data source.
DS_VN_FN - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify the VerbNet-FrameNet mapping as a data source.
DS_WORDNET - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Used to identify WordNet as a data source.


endADJ(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a ADJ element.
endADV(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a ADV element.
endARG(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a ARG element.
endARGS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a ARGS element.
endDESCRIPTION(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a DESCRIPTION element.
endEXAMPLE(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a EXAMPLE element.
endEXAMPLES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a EXAMPLES element.
endFRAME(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a FRAME element.
endFRAMES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a FRAMES element.
endLEX(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a LEX element.
endMEMBER(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a MEMBER element.
endMEMBERS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a MEMBERS element.
endNP(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a NP element.
endPRED(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a PRED element.
endPREP(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a PREP element.
endSELRESTR(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SELRESTR element.
endSELRESTRS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SELRESTRS element.
endSEMANTICS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SEMANTICS element.
endSYNRESTR(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SYNRESTR element.
endSYNRESTRS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SYNRESTRS element.
endSYNTAX(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a SYNTAX element.
endTHEMROLE(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a THEMROLE element.
endTHEMROLES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a THEMROLES element.
endVERB(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a VERB element.
endVNCLASS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a VNCLASS element.
endVNSUBCLASS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the end of a VNSUBCLASS element.
eprint(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Used as shorthand for System.err.print.
eprint(String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Used as shorthand for System.err.print.
eprintln(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Used as shorthand for System.err.println.
eprintln(String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Used as shorthand for System.err.println.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
Shows any error, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
executeHTMLMethod(String, Node) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Executes a method in the Sweeper class based on a node tag name (i.e. 'VNCLASS') and a 'start' or 'end' flag.
existsFlag(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Checks whether the given flag was supplied by the user.
ext - Variable in class uvi.Generator.MyFilter
The extension of the files to select.


fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
Shows any fatal error, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
filePath(File) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Returns a descriptive path for a File object.
files - Variable in class uvi.WordNet.WordNetSense
A comma-delimited list of all the files that use this key.
flags - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
An array of strings representing the flags passed to the program These are all of the command-line arguments that begin with a hypen ('-').
flCopyOnly - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used once only inside of Generator.generateHTMLFiles() to suppress the generation of the VerbNet class pages and the index pages.
flHelp - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used once only inside of said method.
flNoGen - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used only inside Generator.replaceSpecialSequences(String, String) to decide whether or not a link to the Generator's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including the main index page.
flNoInsp - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used only inside Generator.replaceSpecialSequences(String, String) to decide whether or not a link to the Inspector's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including the main index page.
flNoVxC - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used only inside Generator.replaceSpecialSequences(String, String) to decide whether or not a link to the VxC application's disclaimer page should be added to each index page, including the main index page.
flOverwrite - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used throughout the rest of the program.
flQuiet - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used throughout the rest of the program.
flSort - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used only inside Sweeper.startMEMBER(Node) to indicate whether or not to sort all the members for each class/subclass.
flVerbose - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used throughout the rest of the program.
flWithCyc - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A flag set in Generator.analyzeArguments(String[]) and used to decide if the VerbNet-Cyc data source should be used and its contents displayed.
fn - Variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map.MapPair
The FrameNet frame name (i.e. 'Departing').
fnURL - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
The beginning portion of the URL which, when appended with a frame name, refers to the web page on FrameNet's web site that will display the proper frame.
frameLists - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A special word list for the syntactic frame descriptions.


generateClassHierarchy() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates a page that displays the complete class hierarchy for VerbNet.
generateHTMLFiles() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Completes the filling of the HTML output directory of all files, pre-made ones and generated ones.
generateIndexFiles() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates the main index page and index pages for each letter of the alphabet.
generateOneFile(DocumentBuilder, File) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates the content of the HTML output file using the source XML file and the Java Document Object Model.
generateReferencePage() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Creates a page that displays the field information collected during the generation phase.
Generator - Class in uvi
This class is the driver for the UVI web page creation.
Generator() - Constructor for class uvi.Generator
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.
Generator.InvalidCommandLineArgumentException - Exception in uvi
Exception class for identifying when the user did not supply a command-line of the proper format.
Generator.InvalidCommandLineArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception uvi.Generator.InvalidCommandLineArgumentException
Constructs the exception object with the given message.
Generator.InvalidDirectoryException - Exception in uvi
Exception class for identifying when the user did not supply both a valid XML input directory and a valid HTML output directory.
Generator.InvalidDirectoryException(String) - Constructor for exception uvi.Generator.InvalidDirectoryException
Constructs the exception object with the given message.
Generator.InvalidSupplementalFilesException - Exception in uvi
Exception class for identifying when the required supplemental directory or the files within cannot be found or read.
Generator.InvalidSupplementalFilesException(String) - Constructor for exception uvi.Generator.InvalidSupplementalFilesException
Constructs the exception object with the given message.
Generator.MyFilter - Class in uvi
Decides which files to select for the File.listFiles() method of the File class.
Generator.MyFilter(String) - Constructor for class uvi.Generator.MyFilter
Constructs this filter with the given extension on which to filter.
Generator.UserWantsHelpMessage - Exception in uvi
Exception class for identifying when the user requests to view the help/usage message for the program.
Generator.UserWantsHelpMessage() - Constructor for exception uvi.Generator.UserWantsHelpMessage
Constructs the exception object.
Generator.XMLErrorHandler - Class in uvi
Contains the methods called by the DocumentBuilder object in Generator.generateHTMLFiles() when an error is encountered with an XML file during the parsing thereof.
Generator.XMLErrorHandler() - Constructor for class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
Constructs a new error handler.
getFrameNet(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.VN_FN_Map
Returns the list of all FrameNet frames that have been mapped to the verb in the given class.
getList(String) - Method in class uvi.WordLists
Returns a list with the specified name.
getNumVerbs(int) - Static method in class uvi.Index
Returns the total number of verbs represented in the index or the total number of links in the index for a given data source.
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
getSenseNumber(String) - Static method in class uvi.WordNet
Returns the WordNet sense number associated with a given WordNet sense key.
getWriter() - Static method in class uvi.Q
Returns the class's output stream (PrintWriter).
grpURL - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
The beginning portion of the URL which, when appended with a grouping page refers to the web page for the given Ontonotes Sense Grouping verb.


hasBeenOther - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
Used by various types of nodes for which there might be a list to display to know if another of their same kind has already been shown, so as to print a space, or a comma and a space.
hasKids(Node, String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Whether or not the given XML element has children with a given tag name.


Index - Class in uvi
This class contains all the verbs encountered during the parsing process and the links associated with each verb.
Index() - Constructor for class uvi.Index
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.
index - Static variable in class uvi.Index
An array which can hold one ArrayList for each letter of the alphabet.
Index.Entry - Class in uvi
Represents the index entry for a single English verb and holds all relevant links for that verb (from either VerbNet, PropBank, FrameNet).
Index.Entry() - Constructor for class uvi.Index.Entry
Index.Link - Class in uvi
Represents a single link for a verb.
Index.Link(int, String, String) - Constructor for class uvi.Index.Link
Constructs a link object with the specified information.
inDir - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
The File object that represents the user's desired XML input directory.
INIT_MEM_ROW - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The number of verbs (rows) to display per column if the number of verbs is less than INIT_MEM_ROW * NUM_MEM_COL.


key - Variable in class uvi.WordNet.WordNetSense
The sense key of this sense.


LETTER_MAX - Static variable in class uvi.Index
The number of letters in the alphabet.
link - Variable in class uvi.Index.Link
The href for this link.
links - Variable in class uvi.Index.Entry
An array of Index.Link objects which hold information that directly feeds into how the index is shown to the user.
listName - Variable in class uvi.WordLists.WordList
The name of the list (i.e. 'SelRestr').
lists - Variable in class uvi.WordLists
All lists of tokens.
loadSenseNumbers(File) - Static method in class uvi.WordNet
Searches WordNet's sense file for sense numbers that correspond to the sense keys found during the VerbNet pre-scan.


main(String[]) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Drives the entire generation process.
members - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
Holds all the member information for a given class/subclass.
memPerCol - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The number of members to be shown per column in the 'Members' area.


nonFlags - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
An array of strings representing the non-flag command-line parameters.
num - Variable in class uvi.WordNet.WordNetSense
The sense number of this sense.
NUM_MEM_COL - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The maximum number of verb columns to display in the 'Members' area.
numKids(Node, String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Counts the number of children of a given XML element who have the given tag name.


oh(String) - Static method in class uvi.Q
Places the given HTML code into the output stream without indenting or printing a newline.
oh(boolean, String) - Static method in class uvi.Q
Places the given HTML code into the output stream and optionally ending with a newline.
oh(int, String) - Static method in class uvi.Q
Places the given HTML code into the output stream at the given indentation level.
oh(int, boolean, String) - Static method in class uvi.Q
Places the given HTML code into the output stream at the given indentation level and optionally prints a newline.
outDir - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
The File object that represents the user's desired HTML output directory.


pairs - Variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map.ClassVerbs
The list of VerbNet-FrameNet mappings for this VerbNet class.
prepSelRestrs - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
Whether or not the SELRESTRS about to be entered is under a PREP element (as compared to a THEMROLE element).
preScan(File[]) - Static method in class uvi.WordNet
Scans through all the VerbNet XML files and extract just the WordNet sense keys.
print(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Used as shorthand for System.out.print.
print(String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Used as shorthand for System.out.print.
printAll() - Static method in class uvi.VN_FN_Map
Prints all the information in the mapping.
printEndInfo() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints information after the HTML generation process has completed.
println(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Used as shorthand for System.out.println.
println(String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Used as shorthand for System.out.println.
printMembers() - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Prints the HTML for all the members in the current class/subclass.
printReferenceColumn(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints an HTML TD element containing a selected word list.
printReferenceColumnSpecial(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints an HTML TD element containing the special word list for the frame descriptions.
printStartInfo() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints information before the HTML generation process has completed.
printSupplemental() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints the information about the contents of the required supplemental directory.
printUnused() - Static method in class uvi.VN_FN_Map
Prints a warning message for each VN-FN match that was not utilized somewhere in the UVI.
printUsage() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Prints the usage message.
processNode(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
This method starts by outputting the HTML code you would want to output upon encountering the start of the given node, then recursively prints all the HTML associated with this node's children nodes, and finally outputs the HTML needed for the close of the given node.
properties - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Holds the user-definable properties that will be read in from the properties.s supplemental file.


Q - Class in uvi
With a name chosen almost entirely on the basis of brevity, this class was only created for the purpose of removing the complexity of writing text to an output stream to a separate file.
Q() - Constructor for class uvi.Q
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.


readProperties() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Reads key-value pairs out of the properties.s supplemental file.
replaceSpecialSequences(String, String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Replaces all special sequences in a given line of text with corresponding real-world values.
restrsLevel - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The level of nested SELRESTRS being processed.
runTime - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
The current date and time of the execution of this program.


sameSlash(String) - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Ensures that a path only contains the separator character for the given OS on which the program is run.
setActiveFile(String) - Method in class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
Sets the active file to the new file being processed.
setCurFile(String) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Sets the current file being processed.
setWriter(PrintWriter) - Static method in class uvi.Q
Sets the class's output stream (PrintWriter).
sFiles - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
Holds File objects in an associative array, keyed on the file names stored in Generator.sNames.
sNames - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
All of the supplemental files (supporting files) required by the program.
sort() - Static method in class uvi.Index
Sort the verbs in each index entry array since verbs from the PropBank and FrameNet will have just been added to the end of the lists.
sortByListCounts() - Method in class uvi.WordLists
Sorts the main list of lists by the list counts.
sortXMLFiles() - Static method in class uvi.Generator
Sorts the already loaded XML files array Generator.xmlFiles.
startADJ(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a ADJ element.
startADV(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a ADV element.
startARG(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a ARG element.
startARGS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a ARGS element.
startDESCRIPTION(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a DESCRIPTION element.
startEXAMPLE(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a EXAMPLE element.
startEXAMPLES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a EXAMPLES element.
startFRAME(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a FRAME element.
startFRAMES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a FRAMES element.
startLEX(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a LEX element.
startMEMBER(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Stores all the information for this member into the Sweeper.members array to be processed later in Sweeper.endMEMBERS(Node), once it is completely sorted.
startMEMBERS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a MEMBERS element.
startNP(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a NP element.
startPRED(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a PRED element.
startPREP(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a PREP element.
startSELRESTR(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SELRESTR element.
startSELRESTRS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SELRESTRS element.
startSEMANTICS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SEMANTICS element.
startSYNRESTR(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SYNRESTR element.
startSYNRESTRS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SYNRESTRS element.
startSYNTAX(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a SYNTAX element.
startTHEMROLE(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a THEMROLE element.
startTHEMROLES(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a THEMROLES element.
startVERB(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a VERB element.
startVNCLASS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a VNCLASS element.
startVNSUBCLASS(Node) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Generates the HTML for the beginning of a VNSUBCLASS element.
Sweeper - Class in uvi
This class essentially defines the HTML that should be mapped to the XML.
Sweeper() - Constructor for class uvi.Sweeper
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.


text - Variable in class uvi.Index.Link
The text to display to the user in the index for this link.
token - Variable in class uvi.WordLists.WordListItem
The text of the token.
tokens - Variable in class uvi.WordLists.WordList
An array of tokens for this list.
totalMem - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
The number of members for the current class or subclass.
totalSubclasses - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A count of all subclasses in VerbNet, at any level (does not include main classes).
type - Variable in class uvi.Index.Link
One value from Generator.DS_*, indicating the data source of this link.


usingOr - Static variable in class uvi.Sweeper
Whether or not nodes which specify logical operators for their children are using 'or'.
uvi - package uvi


verb - Variable in class uvi.Index.Entry
The verb (i.e. 'abandon').
vn - Variable in class uvi.VN_FN_Map.MapPair
The VerbNet verb (i.e. 'abandon').
VN_FN_Map - Class in uvi
This class holds the VerbNet-FrameNet mapping created by Andrew Dolbey in a format useful to the UVIG.
VN_FN_Map() - Constructor for class uvi.VN_FN_Map
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.
VN_FN_Map.ClassVerbs - Class in uvi
Holds the mappings for a single VerbNet class.
VN_FN_Map.ClassVerbs() - Constructor for class uvi.VN_FN_Map.ClassVerbs
VN_FN_Map.MapPair - Class in uvi
Represents a single mapping between a VerbNet verb and a FrameNet frame.
VN_FN_Map.MapPair(String, String) - Constructor for class uvi.VN_FN_Map.MapPair
Constructs a MapPair object with the specified information.


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class uvi.Generator.XMLErrorHandler
Shows any warning, along with file name and line number, found by the parser.
warningChecks(int, int, int) - Static method in class uvi.Sweeper
Shows warnings concerning "curious" conditions in the VerbNet organization.
WN_SENSE_LISTS - Static variable in class uvi.WordNet
The number of lists the sense keys are divided into.
wordLists - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
A set of word lists constructed in the Sweeper class and accessed in this class.
WordLists - Class in uvi
Holds tokens (or 'words') separated into different lists.
WordLists() - Constructor for class uvi.WordLists
WordLists.WordList - Class in uvi
Holds the information for a single list of tokens.
WordLists.WordList(String) - Constructor for class uvi.WordLists.WordList
Constructs a blank WordLists object with the given name.
WordLists.WordListItem - Class in uvi
Represents a token and its associated reference count.
WordLists.WordListItem(String) - Constructor for class uvi.WordLists.WordListItem
WordNet - Class in uvi
This class manages the extraction of the WordNet data for the goal of showing sense numbers next to the verbs in the members section of each class or subclass.
WordNet() - Constructor for class uvi.WordNet
This constructor is private because the class is not intended to ever be instantiated.
WordNet.WordNetSense - Class in uvi
Represents a WordNet sense by holding both the sense key and the sense number of a given sense.
WordNet.WordNetSense(String, String) - Constructor for class uvi.WordNet.WordNetSense
Constructs a WordNetSense object with the given sense key.


xmlFiles - Static variable in class uvi.Generator
An array of File objects that represent all the XML files in the specified XML input directory.