Predicate faj~ra

Frameset: f1 "explode / bomb"

   ARG0: bomber, agent
   ARG1: bombed target


 (S (S (NP-TPC-1 (Yemeni |yamaniy~N | يَمَنِيٌّ))
     (VP (blow_up/detonate/explode+he/it |faj~ara | فَجَّرَ)
	 (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
	 (NP-OBJ (same/self |nafosa- | نَفْسَ-)
		 (its/his |-hu | -هُ))
	 (PP (in |fiy | فِي)
	     (NP (NP (confrontation/encounter/confronting/encountering |muwAjahapK | مُواجَهَةٍ))
		 (PP (with |maEa | مَعَ)
		     (NP (the+police |Al$~uroTapi | الشُّرْطَةِ)))))))
  (S (NP-SBJ (it/he |huwa | هُوَ))
     (NP-PRD (brother-in-law/son-in-law |Sihoru | صِهْرُ)
	     (NP (one |>aHadi | أَحَدِ)
		 (NP (executor/executant |munaf~i*iy | مُنَفِّذِي)
		     (NP (NP (attacks/assaults/aggression |AiEotidA'Ati | اِعْتِداءاتِ))
			 (NP-TMP (NUM 11)
				 (NP (September |>ayoluwl | أَيْلُول))))))))) 

يَمَنِيٌّ فَجَّرَ نَفْسَ- -هُ فِي مُواجَهَةٍ مَعَ الشُّرْطَةِ هُوَ صِهْرُ أَحَدِ مُنَفِّذِي اِعْتِداءاتِ 11 

ARG0ARG1: nafosa-hu
Gloss: himself
ARGM-LOC: fiy muwAjahapK maEa Al$~uroTapi
Gloss: in the encountering with the police
REL:  faj~ra


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (ADVP-TMP (yesterday |->amosi | -أَمْسِ))
  (VP (blow_up/detonate/explode+he/it |faj~ara | فَجَّرَ)
      (NP-SBJ (Islamic/Islamist/Muslim |<isolAmiy~uwna | إِسْلامِيُّونَ))
      (NP-OBJ (NP (bridge/_beam_or_bar |jisorAF | جِسْراً))
	      (PP-LOC (in |fiy | فِي)
		      (NP (NOT_IN_LEXICON |$wbyAn | شوبيان)))
	      (PP-LOC (in |fiy | فِي)
		      (NP (south/South |januwbi | جَنُوبِ)
			  (NP (NP (region/district |<iqoliymi | إِقْلِيمِ)
				  (NP (Kashmir |ka$omiyr | كَشْمِير)))
			      (ADJP (the+Indian |Alhinodiy~i | الهِنْدِيِّ))))))
      (PUNC ,)
      (SBAR (SBAR (which |mim~A | مِمّا)
		  (S (VP (direct/guide/lead+he/it |>ad~aY | أَدَّى)
			 (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
			 (PP-CLR (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
				 (NP (NP (breaking_off/interruption |qaToEi | قَطْعِ)
					 (NP (the+course/motion/march |Als~ayori | السَّيْرِ)))
				     (PP (between/among |bayona | بَيْنَ)
					 (NP (area/zone/territory+two |minoTaqatayoni | مِنْطَقَتَيْنِ))))))))
	    (SBAR (from |min | مِن)
		  (not/other |gayori | غَيْرِ)
		  (to |>an | أَن)
		  (S (VP (he/it+inflict/bring_about |yuwqiEa | يُوقِعَ)
			 (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
			 (NP-OBJ (victims |DaHAyA | ضَحايا)))))))
  (PUNC .)) 

وَ- -أَمْسِ فَجَّرَ إِسْلامِيُّونَ جِسْراً فِي شوبيان فِي جَنُوبِ إِقْلِيمِ كَشْمِير الهِنْدِيِّ , مِمّا أَدَّى 
إِلَى قَطْعِ السَّيْرِ بَيْنَ مِنْطَقَتَيْنِ مِن غَيْرِ أَن يُوقِعَ ضَحايا .

ARGM-TMP:  >amosi
Gloss: yesterday
ARG0:  <isolAmiy~uwna
Gloss: Islamists
ARG1:  jisorAF fiy $wbyAn
Gloss: Bridge in shoobian
REL:  faj~ra

Frameset: f2 "(cause to) spew forth"

   ARG0: cause of eruption
   ARG1: thing erupting


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (VP (PRT ( |-qad | -قَد))
      (explode/erupt+it/they/she |tafaj~arat | تَفَجَّرَت)
      (NP-SBJ (the+problem/issue |AlqaDiy~apu | القَضِيَّةُ))
      (PP-TMP (after |baEoda | بَعْدَ)
	      (NP (NP (declarations/statements |taSoriyHAtK | تَصْرِيحاتٍ))
		  (PP (for/to |li- | لِ-)
		      (NP (NP (governor |-muHAfiZi | -مُحافِظِ)
			      (NP (north/North |$amAli | شَمالِ)
				  (NP (Sinai |siynA'a | سِيناءَ))))
			  (NP (the+major_general |All~iwA'u | اللِّواءُ)
			      (Ahmad |>aHomad | أَحْمَد)
			      (Abd |Eabod | عَبْد)
			      (the+Hameed/Hamid |AlHamiyd | الحَمِيد))))
		  (SBAR (SBAR (WHNP-1 (-NONE- *0*))
			      (S (VP (provide/present/grant+he/it |>adolaY | أَدْلَى)
				     (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
				     (PP (with/by |bi- | بِ-)
					 (NP (NP (it/them/her |-hA | -ها))
					     (NP-1 (-NONE- *T*))))
				     (NP-TMP (end/last |>awAxira | أَواخِرَ)
					     (NP (the+week |Al>usobuwEi | الأُسْبُوعِ)
						 (the+past/bygone |AlmADiy | الماضِي)))))) 

وَ- -قَد تَفَجَّرَت القَضِيَّةُ بَعْدَ تَصْرِيحاتٍ لِ- -مُحافِظِ شَمالِ سِيناءَ اللِّواءُ أَحْمَد عَبْد الحَمِيد 
أَدْلَى بِ- -ها أَواخِرَ الأُسْبُوعِ الماضِي

ARG1:  AlqaDiy~apu
Gloss: the+problem/issue
ARGM-TMP: taSoriyHAtK li muHAfiZi amAli siynA'a All~iwA'u >aHomad Eabod AlHamiyd >adolaY bi- -hA *T* >awAxira Al>usobuwEi AlmADiy
Gloss: after the statements of the governor of north sinai the major ahmad abd al hamid
REL:  faj~ra


 (S (S :and/so|fa-|(فَ-)
     (NP-TPC-1 (NP :Bush|-buw$|UNvocal:bw$))
     (ADJP :the+ambitious/desirous|AlT~AmiHu|(الطّامِحُ)
	   (PP :by/with|bi-|(بِ-)
	       (NP (NP :power/strength|-quw~apK|(-قُوَّةٍ))
		   (PP :to/towards|<ilaY|(إِلَى)
		       (NP :mandate/term_of_office|wilAyapK|(وِلايَةٍ) :second/next|vAniyapK|(ثانِيَةٍ)))))))
  (VP (PRT :_not/never|lan|(لَن)) :he/it+risk/hazard/wager|yuxATira|(يُخاطِرَ)
      (NP-SBJ-1 (-NONE- *T*))
      (PP-CLR :by/with|bi-|(بِ-)
	      (NP :absence_of/lack_of/not/non-|-Eadami|(-عَدَمِ)
		  (NP :guarantee/insurance|DamAni|(ضَمانِ)
		      (NP :majority|gAlibiy~apK|(غالِبِيَّةٍ)
			  (NP :republican|jumohuwriy~apK|(جُمْهُورِيَّةٍ)))))))) :and|wa-|(وَ-)
(S (VP (PRT :|-qad|(-قَد)) :give/provide+he/it|>aEoTaY|(أَعْطَى)
       (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
       (NP-OBJ (NP :example/proverb|mavalAF|(مَثَلاً))
	       (PP :on/above|EalaY|(عَلَى)
		   (NP :capacity/ability/potential/power|qudorati-|(قُدْرَتِ-)
		       (NP :his/its|-hi|(-هِ) :the+conciliatory|AlAisotiroDA}iy~api|(الاِسْتِرْضائِيَّةِ)))))
       (SBAR-TMP (WHADVP-2 :when|EinodamA|(عِنْدَما))
		 (S (VP :blow_up/detonate/explode+he/it|faj~ara|(فَجَّرَ)
			(NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
			(NP-OBJ :every/all/each_one|kul~a|(كُلَّ) :energy/power/potential|TAqAti-|(طاقاتِ-) :its/his|-hi|(-هِ))
			(PP-TMP :in|fiy|(فِي)
				(NP (NP :meeting/encounter/interview|liqA}i-|UNvocal:lqA}) :its/his|-hi|(-هِ) :the+last/latest/recent/latter|Al>axiyri|(الأَخِيرِ)) :and|wa-|(وَ-)
				(NP :Ariel|-ariyi>yl|(-أَرِيِيل) :Sharon|$Aruwn|(شارُون))))
		    (ADVP-TMP-2 (-NONE- *T*)))))))
(PUNC .)) 

:Bush|-buw$|UNvocal:bw$ :meeting/encounter/interview|liqA}i-|UNvocal:lqA} . 

ARG0: *
Gloss: *
ARG1: kul~a TAqAti-hi
Gloss: each one of his potentials
ARGM-LOC:  fiy liqA} -hi Al>axiyri wa- -ariyi>yl $Aruwn
Gloss: in his last interview wih Ariel Sharon
Gloss: *T*
REL:  faj~ra