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Members: 13, Frames: 9
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
bite (wn 1, 3; g 1, 2)
chop (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
claw (fn 1; wn 2, 3; g 3)
kick (fn 1; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1)
paw (wn 1)
peck (wn 1, 3)
punch (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
scratch (fn 1; wn 2, 3; g 1)
slice (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 3; g 1)
slug (wn 1)
stab (fn 1; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1, 2)
swat (wn 1)
swipe (wn 1)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
   example "Paula swatted the fly."
   syntax Agent V Patient
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Agent) not(contact(during(E), Agent, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Agent) contact(end(E), Agent, Patient)
NP V NP PP.instrument
   example "Paula swatted the fly with a dishcloth."
   syntax Agent V Patient {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Instrument) not(contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Instrument) contact(end(E), Instrument, Patient) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
   example "Paula swatted at the fly."
   syntax Agent V (at) Patient
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Agent) not(contact(during(E), Agent, Patient))
   example "Paula swatted at the fly with a dishcloth."
   syntax Agent V (at) Patient {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Instrument) not(contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient)) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
   example "Paula sliced the bag open."
   syntax Agent V Patient Result
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Agent) not(contact(during(E), Agent, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Agent) contact(end(E), Agent, Patient) path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep)
NP V NP ADJP PP.instrument
   example "Paula swatted the fly dead with a dishcloth."
   syntax Agent V Patient Result {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Instrument) not(contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Instrument) contact(end(E), Instrument, Patient) path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
NP V NP PP.result
   example "The cat clawed the couch to pieces."
   syntax Agent V Patient {to into} Result [+state]
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Agent) not(contact(during(E), Agent, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Agent) contact(end(E), Agent, Patient) path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep)
NP V NP PP.result PP.instrument
   example "The cat clawed the counch to pieces with her sharp nails."
   syntax Agent V Patient {to into} Result [+state] {with} Instrument
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Instrument) not(contact(during(E), Instrument, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Instrument) contact(end(E), Instrument, Patient) path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) utilize(during(E), Agent, Instrument)
NP V NP PP.location
   example "Paula swatted Deirdre on the back."
   syntax Agent V Patient {{+loc}} Location [+body_part]
   semantics cause(Agent, E) manner(during(E), directedmotion, Agent) not(contact(during(E), Agent, Patient)) manner(end(E), forceful, Agent) contact(end(E), Agent, Patient)


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