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No Comments knead-26.5
Members: 24, Frames: 3
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
ball (wn 1; g 1)
beat (wn 5; g 6)
bend (fn 5; wn 3; g 2)
coil (wn 3; g 2)
collect (fn 6; wn 3; g 1)
compress (wn 1, 2; g 1)
curve (g 2)
distort (g 1)
flex (wn 5; g 3)
flux (fn 2; wn 2; g 2)
fold (fn 5; wn 1, 5; g 3)
knead (wn 1)
melt (fn 2, 7; wn 1, 2; g 1)
shake (fn 8, 10, 9; wn 1; g 1)
squash (wn 1)
squeeze (fn 4; wn 1; g 1)
twirl (wn 2)
twist (wn 2, 4; g 2)
wad (wn 1)
whip (fn 3; wn 5; g 1, 3)
wind (fn 1; wn 6; g 2)
work (wn 20, 22; g 3)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
NP.material V PP.product
   example "The dough twirled into a pretzel."
   syntax Material V {into} Product
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Material, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Product, Material, ch_of_state, prep) ¬exist(start(E), Product) exist(result(E), Product) made_of(result(E), Product, Material)
NP V NP.material PP.product
   example "I kneaded the dough into a loaf."
   syntax Agent V Material {into} Product
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Material, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Product, Material, ch_of_state, prep) ¬exist(start(E), Product) exist(result(E), Product) made_of(result(E), Product, Material) ¬state(start(E), Endstate, Material)
NP V NP.material
   example "I kneaded the dough."
   syntax Agent V Material
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Material, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Product, Material, ch_of_state, prep) cause(Agent, E)


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