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No Comments curtsey-40.3.3
Members: 7, Frames: 4
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
bob (fn 1; wn 4; g 4)
bow (wn 1, 3, 4; g 2)
curtsey (wn 1)
genuflect (wn 1, 2)
kneel (wn 1)
salaam (wn 1)
salute (wn 6; g 2)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
   example "The princess curtseyed."
   syntax Agent V
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.recipient
   example "The princess curtseyed to the queen."
   syntax Agent V {{+dest_dir}} Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
   example "The princess curtseyed her assent."
   syntax Agent V Topic
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.recipient
   example "The princess curtsied her assent to the queen."
   syntax Agent V Topic {to} Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)


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