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No Comments spray-9.7
Members: 1, Frames: 4
Class Hierarchy

Members Key
overload (wn 3, 1; g 1)

Roles Reference
  • Agent [+animate]
  • Theme
  • Destination [+location & -region]

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP PP.destination
   example "Jessica loaded boxes into the wagon."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+loc | +dest_conf}} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) not(Prep(start(E), Theme, Destination)) Prep(end(E), Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.destination PP.theme
   example "Jessica loaded the wagon with boxes."
   syntax Agent V Destination {with} Theme
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) not(location(start(E), Theme, Destination)) location(end(E), Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.theme
   example "Jessica squirted water."
   syntax Agent V Theme
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) not(location(start(E), Theme, ?Destination)) location(end(E), Theme, ?Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.destination
   example "Jessica sprayed the wall."
   syntax Agent V Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), ?Theme) not(location(start(E), ?Theme, Destination)) location(end(E), ?Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)

No Comments spray-9.7-1
Members: 29, Frames: 2

Members Key
baste (wn 1; g 1)
brush (fn 1, 2; wn 6; g 2)
drizzle (fn 1, 2; wn 2)
hang (fn 1, 2; wn 2, 12, 14; g 1)
plaster (fn 1, 2; wn 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6)
pump (fn 1, 2; wn 2, 4, 5; g 2)
rub (fn 1, 2; wn 1; g 1)
scatter (fn 1, 2; wn 3, 4, 6; g 1)
seed (wn 4; g 3)
sew (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
shower (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 5; g 1, 2)
smear (fn 1, 2; wn 3, 2; g 1)
smudge (wn 1)
sow (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 3; g 1)
spatter (fn 1; wn 1, 3)
splash (fn 1, 2, 3, 4; wn 3, 6; g 1)
splatter (fn 1; wn 1, 2)
spray (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1)
spread (fn 1, 2; wn 3, 9, 10; g 2, 3)
sprinkle (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 4; g 1)
spritz (wn 1, 2)
spurt (wn 1)
squirt (fn 1, 2, 3; wn 1, 2; g 1)
stick (fn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; wn 1, 12, 13; g 1, 2)
strew (fn 1; wn 1, 2)
string (wn 1; g 1)
swab (wn 1, 2)
swash (wn 2; g 2)
wrap (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 3; g 1, 2)

Roles Reference
  • Theme [+substance | [+concrete & +plural]]

Frames Reference Key
NP V PP.destination
   example "Paint sprayed onto the wall."
   syntax Theme V {{+loc | +dir | +dest_conf}} Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) not(Prep(start(E), Theme, Destination)) Prep(end(E), Theme, Destination)
NP V NP PP.destination-Conative
   example "Jessica squirted water at me."
   syntax Agent V Theme (at) Destination
   semantics motion(during(E), Theme) not(location(start(E), Theme, Destination)) cause(Agent, E)

No Comments spray-9.7-1-1
Members: 5, Frames: 1

Members Key
cram (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2; g 1)
crowd (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2; g 1, 2)
jam (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 6, 7; g 1)
pack (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 3, 7; g 1, 2)
pile (fn 1, 2; wn 1; g 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
NP.theme V NP
   example "Crowds packed the stands."
   syntax Theme V Destination
   semantics location(during(E), Theme, Destination)

No Comments spray-9.7-2
Members: 13, Frames: 0

Members Key
dab (fn 1, 2; wn 1)
daub (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 3)
drape (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 4; g 1, 2)
dust (fn 1, 2; wn 3; g 3)
heap (fn 1, 2; wn 2, 3; g 1, 2)
load (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 4; g 1, 2)
mound (wn 1)
plant (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2; g 1, 2)
seed (fn 1; wn 7; g 6)
slather (wn 1)
stack (wn 1, 2; g 1)
stock (wn 6; g 1)
stuff (fn 1, 2; wn 1, 2, 6, 7; g 1)

Roles Reference
  • Theme [+concrete]

Frames Reference Key
    no frames


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