example |
"Nora sent the book."
syntax |
Agent V Theme
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.initial_location |
example |
"Nora sent the book from Paris."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
location(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.destination |
example |
"Nora sent the book to London."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {to} Destination
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
location(end(E), Theme, Destination)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.initial_location PP.destination |
example |
"Nora sent the book from Paris to London."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {{+src}} Initial_Location {to} Destination
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
location(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location)
location(end(E), Theme, Destination)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP PP.destination PP.initial_location |
example |
"TransCanada is shifting its HQ to Calgary from Toronto."
syntax |
Agent V Theme {to} Destination {{+src}} Initial_Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
location(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location)
location(end(E), Theme, Destination)