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No Comments image_impression-25.1
Members: 21, Frames: 5
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
applique (wn 1)
emboss (wn 1)
embroider (wn 1)
engrave (wn 1, 3; g 1)
etch (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
imprint (wn 2)
incise (wn 1)
ingrain (wn 1)
inscribe (wn 1, 4; g 1)
mark (wn 1, 9; g 1, 2)
paint (fn 1, 2; g 1)
set (fn 1, 2; wn 6; g 7)
sign (wn 1, 2; g 1, 3)
stamp (wn 4; g 3, 4)
stipple (wn 1; g 1)
tattoo (wn 1)
tool (wn 4; g 4)

Roles Reference
  • Agent [+int_control]
  • Theme
  • Destination [+concrete]

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP.theme PP.destination
   example "Smith inscribed his name on the ring."
   syntax Agent V Theme {{+loc | +dest_conf}} Destination
   semantics created_image(result(E), Theme) Prep(end(E), Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.destination PP.theme
   example "Smith inscribed the ring with his name."
   syntax Agent V Destination {with} Theme
   semantics created_image(result(E), Theme) location(end(E), Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.destination
   example "Smith was inscribing the rings."
   syntax Agent V Destination
   semantics created_image(result(E), ?Theme) location(end(E), ?Theme, Destination) cause(Agent, E)
NP V NP.theme
   example "Smith inscribed his name."
   syntax Agent V Theme
   semantics created_image(result(E), Theme) location(end(E), Theme, ?Destination) cause(Agent, E)
   example "Smith was inscribing."
   syntax Agent V
   semantics created_image(result(E), ?Theme) location(end(E), ?Theme, ?Destination) cause(Agent, E)


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