NP V |
example |
"Susan was chitchatting."
syntax |
Agent V
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent, ?Co-Agent, ?Topic)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V |
example |
"Susan chitchatted with Rachel."
syntax |
Agent V {with} Co-Agent
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent, Co-Agent, ?Topic)
transfer_info(during(E), Co-Agent, Agent, ?Topic)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.topic |
example |
"Susan chitchatted with Rachel about the problem."
syntax |
Agent V {with} Co-Agent {about} Topic
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent, Co-Agent, Topic)
transfer_info(during(E), Co-Agent, Agent, Topic)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V |
example |
"Susan and Rachel chitchatted."
syntax |
Agent <+plural> V
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent_i, Agent_j, ?Topic)
transfer_info(during(E), Agent_j, Agent_i, ?Topic)
NP V PP.topic |
example |
"Susan chitchatted about the problem with Rachel."
syntax |
Agent V {about} Topic {with} Co-Agent
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent, Co-Agent, Topic)
transfer_info(during(E), Co-Agent, Agent, Topic)
cause(Agent, E)
NP V PP.topic |
example |
"Susan and Rachel chitchatted about matters of great import."
syntax |
Agent <+plural> V {about} Topic
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent_i, Agent_j, Topic)
transfer_info(during(E), Agent_j, Agent_i, Topic)
NP V PP.topic |
example |
"Susan chitchatted about matters of great import."
syntax |
Agent V {about} Topic
semantics |
transfer_info(during(E), Agent, ?Co-Agent, Topic)