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Members: 15, Frames: 2
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
amerce (wn 2)
bet (wn 2; g 1)
bill (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
charge (fn 1; wn 9, 22; g 1)
fine (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
invoice (wn 1)
mulct (wn 1, 2)
overcharge (wn 1)
save (wn 4, 6; g 3)
scrimp (fn 1; wn 1)
spare (wn 2; g 1, 2)
tax (wn 1; g 1)
tip (wn 3; g 2)
undercharge (wn 1)
wager (wn 1)

Roles Reference
  • Agent [+animate | +organization]
  • Asset [+currency]
  • Recipient [+animate | +organization]

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP.recipient
   example "The phone company billed me."
   syntax Agent V Recipient
   semantics financial_relationship(E, Agent, Recipient, ?Asset)
NP V NP NP.asset
   example "The phone company billed me $10."
   syntax Agent V Recipient Asset
   semantics financial_relationship(E, Agent, Recipient, Asset)

From: Susan, Date: 2010.3.1
Several of these verbs don't fit the first frame. Create a new parent class without it?


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