Members |
(fn 3; wn 1; g 1)
| pull
(fn 1, 4, 2; wn 1, 4, 15; g 1)
| tug
(fn 1, 1, 2; wn 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)
| yank
(fn 1, 1, 2, 2, 2; wn 1; g 1, 2, 3)
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
NP V NP ADJP-Result |
example |
"Nora yanked the button loose."
syntax |
Agent V Theme Result
semantics |
cause(Agent, E)
contact(during(E), Agent, Theme)
exert_force(during(E), Agent, Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Theme, ch_of_state, prep)
path_rel(result(E), Result, Theme, ch_of_state, prep)
force dynamics | Volitional COS FD Representation |
Members |
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
example |
"She squeezed the toothpaste out."
syntax |
Agent V {{+dir}}
semantics |
cause(Agent, E)
contact(during(E), Agent, Theme)
exert_force(during(E), Agent, Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Source, Theme, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(start(E), Trajectory, Theme, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(result(E), Goal, Theme, ch_of_loc, prep)
motion(during(E), Theme)
force dynamics | Volitional Remove FD Representation |
NP V PP.trajectory |
example |
"Nora pushed through the crowd."
syntax |
Agent V {{+dir}} Trajectory
semantics |
cause(Agent, E)
contact(during(E), Agent, Theme)
exert_force(during(E), Agent, Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Source, Agent, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(start(E), Trajectory, Agent, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(result(E), Goal, Agent, ch_of_loc, prep)
motion(during(E), Agent)
force dynamics | s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation |