Members |
(wn 3, 6; g 1, 2)
| recede
(wn 1, 2, 3)
| retreat
(wn 1, 2)
| return
(wn 1; g 1)
| rise
(wn 1, 3, 5, 10, 16; g 1, 3)
| set_off
(wn 2)
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
NP V |
example |
"The prisoners advanced."
syntax |
Theme V
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
force dynamics | Self-volitional Motion FD Representation |
NP V PP.initial_location |
example |
"He came from France."
syntax |
Theme V {{+path}} Initial_Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
force dynamics | Self-volitional Motion FD Representation |
Members |
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
example |
"The convict escaped the prison."
syntax |
Theme V Initial_Location
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
force dynamics | Self-volitional Motion FD Representation |
Members |
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
example |
"He entered the room."
syntax |
Theme V Destination
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
force dynamics | Self-volitional Motion FD Representation |
Members |
Roles |
no roles
Frames |
example |
"He climbed the mountain."
syntax |
Theme V Trajectory
semantics |
motion(during(E), Theme)
path_rel(start(E), Theme, Initial_Location, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(during(E), Theme, Trajectory, ch_of_loc, prep)
path_rel(end(E), Theme, Destination, ch_of_loc, prep)
force dynamics | Self-volitional Motion FD Representation |