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No Comments discover-84
Members: 16, Frames: 6
Class Hierarchy

Members Key
ascertain (fn 5; wn 4; g 1)
chance_on (wn 1)
deduce (fn 5; wn 1, 2; g 1)
determine (wn 1, 8; g 1)
discover (fn 1; wn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8; g 1)
find (fn 1, 2; wn 2, 3, 4, 8, 9; g 1, 2)
guess (fn 5; wn 4; g 2)
rationalize (fn 3; wn 1; g 1)
realize (fn 5; wn 1; g 1)
relearn (wn 1)
scent_out (wn 1)
see (wn 6; g 2)
solve (fn 4, 4; wn 1, 2; g 1, 2)
work_out (wn 7; g 8)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
NP V how S
   example "I discovered how she did it."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+how_extract>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V how S_INF
   example "I discovered how to do it."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+wh_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
   example "I discovered the fleece."
   syntax Agent V Theme <-sentential>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V that S
   example "I discovered that it didn't make sense."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+that_comp>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V what S
   example "I discovered what he should do."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+what_extract>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V what S_INF
   example "I discovered what to do."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+what_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments discover-84-1
Members: 1, Frames: 9

Members Key
pick_up (wn 5)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
NP V PP.theme S_ING
   example "I discovered about him drinking."
   syntax Agent V {about} Theme <+np_ing>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source how S
   example "I discovered from them how she did it."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source Theme <+how_extract>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source how S_INF
   example "I discovered from them how to do it."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source Theme <+wh_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source PP.theme whether/if S
   example "I discovered from him about whether he should kill the peasants."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source {about} Theme <+wh_comp>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source PP.theme what S
   example "I discovered from him about what he should do."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source {about} Theme <+what_extract>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source PP.theme what S_INF
   example "I learned from him about what to do."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source {about} Theme <+wh_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.source PP.theme whether S_INF
   example "I discovered from him about whether to go."
   syntax Agent V {from} Source {about} Theme <+wheth_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V that S
   example "I discovered that it didn't make sense."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+that_comp>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V what S_INF
   example "I discovered what to do."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+what_inf>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments discover-84-1-1
Members: 5, Frames: 5

Members Key
figure_out (wn 1)
find_out (wn 2, 3)
hear (fn 2; wn 2; g 1)
learn (wn 2; g 2)
study (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
   example "I learned."
   syntax Agent V
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.theme S_ING
   example "I learned about his drinking."
   syntax Agent V {about} Theme <+poss_ing>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.theme what S
   example "I learned about what he drank."
   syntax Agent V {about} Theme <+what_extract>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.theme
   example "I learned about the drinking."
   syntax Agent V {about} Theme <-sentential>
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.theme PP.source
   example "I learned about it from a book."
   syntax Agent V {about} Theme <-sentential> {from} Source
   semantics discover(during(E), Agent, Theme, Source)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation


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