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No Comments consider-29.9
Members: 0, Frames: 2
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NP V how S
   example "I considered how he could become professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+how_extract>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V how S_INF
   example "I considered how to be a professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+wh_inf>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments consider-29.9-1
Members: 5, Frames: 3

Members Key
acknowledge (fn 1)
deem (fn 3; wn 1; g 1)
esteem (wn 2)
rate (wn 1; g 2, 3)
reckon (fn 2; wn 3; g 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

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NP V NP PP.attribute
   example "They considered him as being stupid."
   syntax Agent V Theme Attribute <+np_p_ing>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V NP to be NP
   example "They considered him to be the professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+to_be>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V that S
   example "They considered that he was the professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+that_comp>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments consider-29.9-1-1
Members: 1, Frames: 4

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report (wn 4; g 1)

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   example "I considered the matter closed."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+np_ppart> Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V whether/if S
   example "He considered whether he should come."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+wh_comp>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V what S
   example "He considered what he should do."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+what_extract>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V what S_INF
   example "He considered what to do."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+what_inf>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments consider-29.9-1-1-1
Members: 1, Frames: 5

Members Key
consider (fn 6, 2; wn 5; g 1, 2)

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    no roles

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   example "He considered smoking."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+be_sc_ing>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
   example "They considered him stupid."
   syntax Agent V Theme Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
   example "They considered him professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V NP PP.attribute
   example "They considered him for professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme {for} Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V whether S_INF
   example "He considered whether to clean the house."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+wheth_inf>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments consider-29.9-2
Members: 4, Frames: 5

Members Key
posit (wn 2)
suppose (fn 2; g 2)
suspect (fn 3; g 1)
think (fn 2, 1; g 1)

Roles Reference
    no roles

Frames Reference Key
   example "They considered him stupid."
   syntax Agent V Theme Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
   example "They considered him professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V NP to be NP
   example "They considered him to be the professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+to_be>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
   example "They considered the children found."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+np_ppart> Attribute <-sentential>
   semantics characterize(during(E), Theme, Attribute) consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation
NP V that S
   example "They considered that he was the professor."
   syntax Agent V Theme <+that_comp>
   semantics consider(during(E), Agent, Theme)
force dynamics m-placeholder m-placeholder m-placeholder FD Representation


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