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No Comments complain-37.8
Members: 15, Frames: 9
Class Hierarchy
    no subclasses

Members Key
bellyache (wn 1)
bitch (fn 2; wn 1)
boast (fn 1; wn 1; g 1)
brag (wn 1)
caterwaul (wn 1)
complain (fn 2; wn 1; g 1)
crab (wn 4)
gripe (wn 1)
grouch (wn 1)
grouse (wn 1)
grumble (fn 2; wn 1, 2; g 1)
kvetch (wn 1)
object (wn 1; g 1)
whine (wn 4)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
   example "Susan complained."
   syntax Agent V
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.recipient
   example "Susan complained to Rachel."
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V that S
   example "Susan complained that the party would be tonight."
   syntax Agent V Topic <+that_comp>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.recipient that S
   example "Susan complained to Rachel that the party would be tonight."
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient Topic <+that_comp>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.topic
   example "Ellen complained about the situation."
   syntax Agent V {about} Topic
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V PP.topic PP.recipient
   example "Ellen complained about the situation to Helen."
   syntax Agent V {about} Topic {to} Recipient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V S-Quote
   example "Ellen complained, 'The mail didn't come today.'"
   syntax Agent V Topic <+quotation>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics FD Representation
NP V PP.recipient S-Quote
   example "Ellen complained to Helen, 'The mail didn't come today.'"
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient Topic <+quotation>
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics FD Representation
NP V PP.recipient PP.topic
   example "The prime minister complained to the former president about U.S. interference in his country's affairs."
   syntax Agent V {to} Recipient {about} Topic
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Source, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) path_rel(end(E), Recipient, Topic, tr_of_info, prep) transfer(during(E), Agent, Recipient, Topic) equals(Source, Agent) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation


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