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No Comments caused_calibratable_cos-45.6.2
Members: 3, Frames: 2
Class Hierarchy

Members Key
cut (g 2)
raise (fn 1)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP.patient PP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "Lawmakers cut the budget by 10% from $1.46 million to $1.3 million."
   syntax Causer V Patient ?Extent ?Source ?Goal
   semantics cause(Causer, E) change_value(during(E), Patient, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Patient, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Patient, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Patient, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP V NP.patient NP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "Lawmakers cut the budget 10% from $1.46 million to $1.3 million."
   syntax Causer V Patient ?Extent ?Source ?Goal
   semantics cause(Causer, E) change_value(during(E), Patient, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Patient, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Patient, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Patient, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation

No Comments caused_calibratable_cos-45.6.2-1
Members: 10, Frames: 9

Members Key
balloon (g 1, 2)
decrease (g 1)
diminish (g 1)
increase (g 1)
lower (g 2)
vary (g 1)

Roles Reference

Frames Reference Key
NP V NP.patient
   example "Productivity increased GDP."
   syntax Agent V Patient
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) cause(Agent, E)
force dynamics FD Representation
NP V ADV-Middle
   example "GDP increased easily."
   syntax Patient V ADV
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep)
force dynamics FD Representation
NP.patient V
   example "GDP increased."
   syntax Patient V
   semantics path_rel(start(E), Initial_State, Patient, ch_of_state, prep) path_rel(result(E), Result, Patient, ch_of_state, prep)
force dynamics FD Representation
NP.patient V NP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "GDP increased 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Patient V Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Patient, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Patient, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Patient, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Patient, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP.patient V PP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "GDP increased by 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Patient V {?by} ?Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Patient, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Patient, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Patient, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Patient, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP.attribute V NP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "The price of oil increased 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Attribute {of} Patient V ?Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Attribute, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Attribute, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Attribute, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Attribute, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep) property(Patient, Attribute)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP.attribute V PP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "The price of oil increased by 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Attribute {of} Patient V {by} Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Attribute, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Attribute, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Attribute, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Attribute, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep) property(Patient, Attribute)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP.patient V PP.attribute NP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "Oil increased in price 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Patient V {in} Attribute ?Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Attribute, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Attribute, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Attribute, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Attribute, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep) property(Patient, Attribute)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation
NP.patient V PP.attribute PP.extent PP.source PP.goal
   example "Oil increased in price by 500 percent from $26 to $147."
   syntax Patient V {in} Attribute {?by} ?Extent {?from} ?Source {?to} ?Goal
   semantics change_value(during(E), Attribute, Direction) path_rel(start(E), Attribute, Source, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(during(E), Attribute, Extent, ch_on_scale, prep) path_rel(end(E), Attribute, Goal, ch_on_scale, prep) property(Patient, Attribute)
force dynamics s-placeholder s-placeholder s-placeholder FD Representation


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