Inspector: Examples
The Inspector acts as a VerbNet viewer. The following are instances of example output preceded by the commands that generated them. Although these commands utilize the -O operator so as to generate reasonably sized output for this web page, you can eliminate this operator to force the Inspector to process every single XML file in VerbNet. Remember that the usefulness of the Inspector console output can be enhanced with standard tools like grep and sed, if you have access to them. Refer to the Inspector's usage for additional information.

java vn.Inspector ./xml -i -Va -Omine-10.9.xml
just mine-10.9.xml, indented output, show all standard elements
--- Inspector: Header ---------------------------------------->
| XML Input Directory:    /home/shared/verbnet/xml
| Flags:                  i
| View Options:           a
| Only These Files:       mine-10.9.xml
| Executed On:            Sun Oct 15 11:05:20 MST 2006
FILE: mine-10.9.xml
   CLASS: mine-10.9 [Members: 2, Frames: 2]
      MEMBER: mine (wn=mine%2:34:00)
      MEMBER: quarry (wn=quarry%2:34:00)
      THEMROLE: Agent [+animate | +organization] 
      THEMROLE: Theme [+concrete] 
      THEMROLE: Source [+location] 
      FRAME: [Basic Transitive]
         EXAMPLE: The men mined the gold.
         SYNTAX: %Agent V %Theme 
         SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
         SEMANTIC PRED: location(start(E), Theme, ?Source)
         SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(end(E), Theme, ?Source))
      FRAME: [PP // source-PP]
         EXAMPLE: The men mined the gold from the abandoned mine.
         SYNTAX: %Agent V %Theme {{+src}} %Source 
         SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
         SEMANTIC PRED: location(start(E), Theme, Source)
         SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(end(E), Theme, Source))
--- Final Counts ---------
| FILE:                1 |
| CLASS:               1 |
| MEMBER:              2 |
| THEMROLE:            3 |
| FRAME:               2 |
| EXAMPLE:             2 |
| SYNTAX:              2 |
| SEMANTIC PRED:       6 |

java vn.Inspector ./xml -i -Vcres -Ospray
just spray file, indented output, show classes, subclasses, frames, examples, and semantics
--- Inspector: Header ---------------------------------------->
| XML Input Directory:    /home/shared/verbnet/xml
| Flags:                  i
| View Options:           cres
| Only These Files:       spray
| Executed On:            Sun Oct 15 11:06:01 MST 2006
CLASS: spray-9.7
   FRAME: [NP-PP // locative-PP]
      EXAMPLE: Jessica loaded boxes into the wagon.
      SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), Theme)
      SEMANTIC PRED: not(Prep(start(E), Theme, Destination))
      SEMANTIC PRED: Prep(end(E), Theme, Destination)
      SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
   FRAME: [NP-PP // Location Object, with-PP]
      EXAMPLE: Jessica loaded the wagon with boxes.
      SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), Theme)
      SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(start(E), Theme, Destination))
      SEMANTIC PRED: location(end(E), Theme, Destination)
      SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
   FRAME: [Transitive // Theme Object]
      EXAMPLE: Jessica squirted water.
      SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), Theme)
      SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(start(E), Theme, ?Destination))
      SEMANTIC PRED: location(end(E), Theme, ?Destination)
      SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
   FRAME: [Transitive // Destination Object]
      EXAMPLE: Jessica sprayed the wall.
      SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), ?Theme)
      SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(start(E), ?Theme, Destination))
      SEMANTIC PRED: location(end(E), ?Theme, Destination)
      SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
   SUBCLASS: spray-9.7-1
      FRAME: [PP // locative-PP]
         EXAMPLE: Paint sprayed onto the wall.
         SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), Theme)
         SEMANTIC PRED: not(Prep(start(E), Theme, Destination))
         SEMANTIC PRED: Prep(end(E), Theme, Destination)
      FRAME: [Conative]
         EXAMPLE: Jessica squirted water at me.
         SEMANTIC PRED: motion(during(E), Theme)
         SEMANTIC PRED: not(location(start(E), Theme, Destination))
         SEMANTIC PRED: cause(Agent, E)
      SUBCLASS: spray-9.7-1-1
         FRAME: [Transitive // Theme subject]
            EXAMPLE: Crowds packed the stands.
            SEMANTIC PRED: location(during(E), Theme, Destination)
   SUBCLASS: spray-9.7-2
      <NO FRAMES>
--- Final Counts ---------
| CLASS:               1 |
| SUBCLASS:            3 |
| FRAME:               7 |
| EXAMPLE:             7 |
| SEMANTIC PRED:      23 |

java vn.Inspector ./xml -i -Vfcm -Obr
files beginning with br, indented output, show files, classes, subclasses, and members
--- Inspector: Header ---------------------------------------->
| XML Input Directory:    /home/shared/verbnet/xml
| Flags:                  i
| View Options:           fcm
| Only These Files:       br
| Executed On:            Sun Oct 15 11:06:50 MST 2006
FILE: braid-41.2.2.xml
   CLASS: braid-41.2.2
      MEMBER: bob
      MEMBER: braid
      MEMBER: brush
      MEMBER: clip
      MEMBER: coldcream
      MEMBER: comb
      MEMBER: condition
      MEMBER: crimp
      MEMBER: crop
      MEMBER: curl
      MEMBER: cut
      MEMBER: dye
      MEMBER: file
      MEMBER: henna
      MEMBER: lather
      MEMBER: manicure
      MEMBER: part
      MEMBER: perm
      MEMBER: plait
      MEMBER: pluck
      MEMBER: powder
      MEMBER: rinse
      MEMBER: rouge
      MEMBER: set
      MEMBER: shampoo
      MEMBER: soap
      MEMBER: talc
      MEMBER: tease
      MEMBER: towel
      MEMBER: trim
      MEMBER: wave
FILE: break-45.1.xml
   CLASS: break-45.1
      MEMBER: break
      MEMBER: chip
      MEMBER: crack
      MEMBER: crash
      MEMBER: crush
      MEMBER: fracture
      MEMBER: rip
      MEMBER: shatter
      MEMBER: smash
      MEMBER: snap
      MEMBER: splinter
      MEMBER: split
      MEMBER: tear
FILE: breathe-40.1.2.xml
   CLASS: breathe-40.1.2
      MEMBER: bleed
      MEMBER: dribble
      MEMBER: drool
      MEMBER: puke
      MEMBER: spit
      MEMBER: sweat
      MEMBER: vomit
      MEMBER: weep
      SUBCLASS: breathe-40.1.2-1
         MEMBER: breathe
         MEMBER: cough
         MEMBER: cry
         MEMBER: defecate
         MEMBER: expectorate
         MEMBER: retch
         MEMBER: slobber
         MEMBER: urinate
FILE: bring-11.3.xml
   CLASS: bring-11.3
      MEMBER: take
      SUBCLASS: bring-11.3-1
         MEMBER: bring
--- Final Counts ---------
| FILE:                4 |
| CLASS:               4 |
| SUBCLASS:            2 |
| MEMBER:             62 |

java vn.Inspector ./xml -i -Vcq -Ocare
just care file, indented output, show classes, subclasses, and verb-frame pairs
--- Inspector: Header ---------------------------------------->
| XML Input Directory:    /home/shared/verbnet/xml
| Flags:                  i
| View Options:           cq
| Only These Files:       care
| Executed On:            Sun Oct 15 11:43:50 MST 2006
CLASS: care-88
   VF-PAIR: VERB: mind FRAME: [Basic Intransitive]
   VF-PAIR: VERB: mind FRAME: [S]
   VF-PAIR: VERB: mind FRAME: [WH-S]
   SUBCLASS: care-88-1
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [Basic Intransitive]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [WH-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [P-WHAT-S // about-PP]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [WHAT-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: care FRAME: [P-WH-S // about-PP]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [Basic Intransitive]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [WH-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [P-WHAT-S // about-PP]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [WHAT-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: worry FRAME: [P-WH-S // about-PP]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [Basic Intransitive]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [WH-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [P-WHAT-S // about-PP]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [WHAT-S]
      VF-PAIR: VERB: wonder FRAME: [P-WH-S // about-PP]
--- Final Counts ---------
| CLASS:               1 |
| SUBCLASS:            1 |
| VF-PAIR:            21 |

Below are some further examples, without the output listed, that show how grep can be used to increase the effectiveness of the Inspector tool. The Inspector, by itself, simply scans VerbNet XML files and prints simple-text representations of the XML within. Using grep, one can extract even more precisely what is desired. The first example shows the Inspector listing every single member in VerbNet (along with classes and subclasses), while suppressing the header and final counts, and passing its output onto grep, which looks for underscores (VerbNet uses underscores to represent verb-particle constructions).

If you wanted to know what class each printed verb-particle construction was in, however, it would be difficult given that you don't where the class line was printed in relation to the member in question. That is where the -r flag comes in. It replicates certain labels before every label that is printed. In other words, before each member is printed, the class is printed before it. This generates a good deal more output but is perfect for using with grep. Since you know that a class label will be printed before each and every member label, you can use grep's -B option to list the class as well. This is a general technique that can be used on any other Inspector output as well, not just classes and members.

java vn.Inspector ./xml -hn -Vcm | grep 'MEMBER.*_'
all verb-particle constructions

java vn.Inspector ./xml -irhn -Vcm | grep -B1 'MEMBER.*_'
all verb-particle constructions preceded by the class or subclass each is in

java vn.Inspector ./xml -irhn -Vcrxyz | grep -B2 'SYNTAX.*{.* V'
all syntaxes which contain a preposition before the verb, preceded by the class or subclass and frame in which the syntax is contained
This page created on 2006.10.15.