SemLink 1.2 Questions/Comments/Concerns: Kevin Stowe University of Colorado, Boulder Includes: Current VN-FN frame mapping -Updated out of date VN classes -Updated Verbs that moved classes -Other minor fixes Current VN-FN role mapping -Updated out of date VN Roles/Fn Elements -Updated elements that moved Classes/Frames -Increased coverage of Vn to Fn role mapping WSJ Instances The WSJ files are in the following format: (document_id) (sentence number) (token number) (standard) (verb-v) (VerbNet class) (Framenet Frame) (PB grouping) (SI grouping) (tense/aspect/mood info) (ArgPointer)-ARGX=(VN Role);(FN Role/Optional Extra Fn Roles) The Argument Pointers are based on the PropBank trees. The documentation can be found here: Sample Instance: ---------------- nw/wsj/00/wsj_0001.parse 0 8 gold join-v 22.1-2-1 Cause_to_amalgamate join.01 null vf--a 0:2-ARG0=Agent;Agent 7:0-ARGM-MOD 8:0-rel 9:1-ARG1=Patient;Part_1 11:1-ARGM-PRD 15:1-ARGM-TMP Document : "nw/wsj/00/wsj_0001.parse" Sentence : 0 Token : 8 Standard : gold Verb : join-v VerbNet Class : 22.1-2-1 Framenet Frame : Cause_to_amalgamate PB grouping : join.01 SI grouping : null (there is not a sense-inventory grouping for this instance) Tense/Aspect/Mood : vf--a Arguments : 0:2-ARG0=Agent;Agent 7:0-ARGM-MOD 8:0-rel 9:1-ARG1=Patient;Part_1 11:1-ARGM-PRD 15:1-ARGM-TMP nw/wsj/00/wsj_0020.parse 0 4 gold claim-v 37.7-1 Statement claim.01 2 p---a 0:1*3:1-ARG0=Agent;Speaker 4:0-rel 5:2-ARG1=Topic;Message/Topic Document : "nw/wsj/00/wsj_0020.parse" Sentence : 0 Token : 4 Standard : gold Verb : claim-v VerbNet Class : 37.7-1 Framenet Frame : Statement PB grouping : claim.01 SI grouping : 2 Tense/Aspect/Mood : p---a Arguments : 0:1*3:1-ARG0=Agent;Speaker 4:0-rel 5:2-ARG1=Topic;Message/Topic (More than one possible Fn Role matches to VN Topic)