Predicate: vote
Roleset id: vote.01 , cast a ballot, vncls:
        Arg0: voter
        Arg1: candidate or ballot issue
        Arg2: numerical count of vote, margin
        ArgA: proxy voter
Example: autogen1
        The union vote to reject the proposed pact was 230-215 .
        Arg0 : union
        Rel : vote
        Arg1 : to reject the proposed pact
        Arg2 : was 230-215
Example: autogen2
        he had enough votes to block the maneuver on procedural grounds ,
        perhaps as soon as today
        Arg2 : enough
        Rel : votes
        Arg1-PRD :
to block the maneuver on procedural grounds , perhaps as soon as
Roleset id: vote.02 , attribute, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
        Arg3: setting
Example: autogen1
        Each has an equal vote at the monthly meetings .
        Arg1 : Each
        ArgSupport : has
        Arg2 : equal
        Rel : vote
        Arg3 : at the monthly meetings
Example: autogen2
        about 50 % of the equity and 81 % of the votes of ABM
        Arg2 : 81 %
        Rel : votes
        Arg1 : *RNR*-1 ---> of ABM