Predicate: vindication
Roleset id: vindication.01 , to clear of accusation, vncls:
        Arg0: clearer, vindicator
        Arg1: person vindicated
        Arg2: accusation
Example: autogen1
        a vindication of the president 's right to perform the duties and
        exercise the prerogatives the framers thought should be entrusted
        to the executive
        Rel : vindication
        Arg1 :
of the president 's right to perform the duties and exercise the
prerogatives the framers thought should be entrusted to the
Example: autogen2
        the company expects full vindication in court
        Arg1 : the company
        ArgSupport : expects
        ArgM-MNR : full
        Rel : vindication
        ArgM-LOC : in court