Predicate: treatment
Roleset id: treatment.01 , assume that something has a particular attribute, vncls: 29.2
        Arg0: assumer of attribute
        Arg1: thing
        Arg2: attribute
Example: autogen1
        duty-free treatment for many types of watches , covered by 58
        different U.S. tariff classifications
        Arg2 : duty-free
        Rel : treatment
        Arg1 :
for many types of watches , covered by 58 different U.S. tariff
Example: autogen2
        duty-free treatment for imports of certain types of watches that
        are n't produced in `` significant quantities '' in the U.S. ,
        the Virgin Islands and other U.S. possessions
        Arg2 : duty-free
        Rel : treatment
        Arg1 :
for imports of certain types of watches that are n't produced in
`` significant quantities '' in the U.S. , the Virgin Islands and
other U.S. possessions
Roleset id: treatment.02 , medical treatment, vncls:
        Arg0: doctor (etc
        Arg1: patient
        Arg2: illness or injury
        Arg3: instrument
Example: autogen1
        a new drug for the treatment of a condition in which the heart
        beats between 150 and 200 beats a minute
        Arg3 : a new drug
        Rel : treatment
        Arg2 :
of a condition in which the heart beats between 150 and 200 beats
a minute
Example: autogen2
        without psychiatric treatment , you may well be unable to fend
        for yourself ever again
        Arg2 : psychiatric
        Rel : treatment
        Arg1 : you
Roleset id: treatment.03 , affect a change in s.t. by applying a substance, vncls:
        Arg0: cause of change, agent
        Arg1: thing changing
        Arg2: substance
Example: autogen1
        a waste-treatment plant
        Arg1 : waste-treatment
        Rel : waste-treatment
        Arg0 : plant
Example: autogen2
        sewage - and water-treatment plants
        Arg1 : water-treatment
        Rel : water-treatment
Roleset id: treatment.04 , handle, vncls:
        Arg0: treater
        Arg1: patient/topic
        Arg2: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        Senate and House bills to provide special casualty-loss treatment
        and other tax relief for timber growers in the hurricane disaster
        Arg0 : Senate and House bills ---> 0 ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : provide
        ArgM-MNR : special
        Arg1 : casualty-loss
        Rel : treatment
        Arg2 : for timber growers in the hurricane disaster areas
Example: autogen2
        Lincoln 's treatment by former thrift regulators , in an agency
        disbanded by the new law ,
        Arg1 : Lincoln 's
        Rel : treatment
        Arg0 : by former thrift regulators