Predicate: top
Roleset id: top.01 , partitive-part, vncls:
        Arg1: whole
Example: autogen1
        top of mind
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : of mind
Example: autogen2
        the top of the pile
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : of the pile
Roleset id: top.02 , on-top-of-complex-prep, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        top of two big 1987 additions to foreign-loan reserves
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : of two big 1987 additions to foreign-loan reserves
Example: autogen2
        top of a 0.7 % gain in August
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : of a 0.7 % gain in August
Roleset id: top.03 , superlative/nomadjlike-best, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        formerly Eastern Airlines ' top lawyer
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : lawyer
Example: autogen3
        the current top rate
        Rel : top
        Arg1 : rate