Predicate: table
Roleset id: table.01 , work-of-art, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        your `` World-Wide Tax Revolution '' table
        Arg0 : your
        Arg1 : Tax
        Rel : table
Example: autogen2
        the investment tables
        Arg1 : investment
        Rel : tables
Roleset id: table.02 , nomlike/turn-tables, vncls:
        Arg0: successor
        Arg1: entity being replaced
        Arg2: attributive, role, function
Example: autogen1
        Japan has turned the tables on U.S. business
        Arg0 : Japan
        ArgSupport : turned
        Rel : tables
        Arg1 : on U.S. business
Example: autogen2
        Mr. Shioya has turned the tables .
        Arg0 : Mr. Shioya
        ArgSupport : turned
        Rel : tables
Roleset id: table.03 , nomadjlike-negotiable/possible, vncls:
        Arg1: theme
Example: autogen1
        no other offers on the table
        Arg1 : no other offers
        Rel : table
Example: autogen2
        While Mr. Dallara and Japanese officials say the question of
        investors ' access to the U.S. and Japanese markets may get a
        disproportionate share of the public 's attention , a number of
        other important economic issues will be on the table at next week
        's talks .
        Arg1 : a number of other important economic issues
        Rel : table
Roleset id: table.04 , nomadjlike-forthright, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
Example: autogen1
        Now , with the opening of Maxim Gorky 's bourgeois-bashing ``
        Summerfolk , '' Ms. Bogart has laid her cards on the table .
        Arg0 : Ms. Bogart
        ArgSupport : laid
        Rel : table