Predicate: study
Roleset id: study.01 , examine closely, vncls: 30.2
        Arg0: student
        Arg1: subject
        Arg2: beneficiary
Example: autogen1
        the SEC study of the drop
        Arg0 : SEC
        Rel : study
        Arg1 : of the drop
Example: autogen2
        studies on health commissioned by the New York Business Group , a
        non-profit organization with about 300 members
        Rel : studies
        Arg1 : on health
        ArgSupport : commissioned
        Arg2 :
by the New York Business Group , a non-profit organization with
about 300 members
Roleset id: study.02 , field, vncls:
        Arg1: topic
Example: autogen1
        the study of nature
        Rel : study
        Arg1 : of nature
Example: autogen2
        the study of atmospheric chemistry
        Rel : study
        Arg1 : of atmospheric chemistry
Roleset id: study.03 , nomlike, vncls: 14
        Arg0: student
        Arg1: subject
        Arg2: teacher
Example: autogen1
        After studies at that conservatory 's Pre-College Division with
        an assistant to the legendary instructor Ivan Galamian , he
        switched at the college level to Miss DeLay , Mr. Galamian 's
        longtime assistant and , ultimately , his rival .
        Rel : studies
        ArgM-LOC : at that conservatory 's Pre-College Division
        Arg2 : with an assistant to the legendary instructor Ivan Galamian
        Arg0 : he
Example: autogen2
        Mr. McDuffie , who had begun violin studies at the age of six
        Arg0 : Mr. McDuffie ---> who ---> *T*-1
        ArgSupport : begun
        Arg1 : violin
        Rel : studies