Predicate: stroke
Roleset id: stroke.01 , stroke, vncls: 20
        Arg0: stroker
        Arg1: thing stroked
        Arg2: instrument, if separate from arg0
Example: autogen1
        Mr. Garber depicts these moral qualities with the broad brush
        strokes of a satire that occasionally descends to the realm of
        cliched caricatures .
        Arg0 : Mr. Garber
        ArgSupport : depicts with
        Arg1 : these moral qualities
        ArgM-MNR : broad
        Arg2 : brush
        Rel : strokes
Example: autogen2
        As for the humor that Gorky 's text provides , when repainted in
        such broad strokes -LRB- particularly by the lesser members of
        the ensemble -RRB- it looks and sounds forced .
        Arg1 : * ---> it
        ArgSupport : repainted in
        ArgM-MNR : broad
        Rel : strokes
        Arg0 : the lesser members of the ensemble
Roleset id: stroke.02 , attribute, vncls:
        Arg0: experiencer
        Arg1: theme
        Arg2: value
Example: autogen1
        stroke patients '
        Arg2-REF : stroke
        Rel : stroke
        Arg0 : patients
Example: autogen2
        for example , in the midst of a great social occasion -LRB- such
        as an international conference on revising the Versailles Treaty
        in 1923 -RRB- , one 's 72-yearold father , himself a great butler
        once , should happen to die of a stroke
        Arg0 : one 's 72-yearold father , himself a great butler once , ---> *-1
        ArgSupport : die of
        Rel : stroke