Predicate: stretch
Roleset id: stretch.01 , partitive-quant/lengthen with extent, vncls: 40.3.2
        Arg0: agent, entity making something be longer
        Arg1: quantified/theme/patient, thing getting longer
        Arg2: ext or tmp, by how much or until when
        Arg3: start point
        Arg4: end point
Example: autogen1
        a 20-to-30-mile stretch of the San Andreas Fault
        Arg2 : 20-to-30-mile
        Rel : stretch
        Arg1 : of the San Andreas Fault
Example: autogen2
        this 2.5-mile stretch of highway
        Arg2 : 2.5-mile
        Rel : stretch
        Arg1 : of highway
Roleset id: stretch.02 , nom/nomadj-unbelievable/partitive-quant, vncls:
        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: quantified
        Arg3: secondary-theme
Example: autogen1
        Dragging Prop. 13 into this story is a pretty long stretch .
        Arg1 : Dragging Prop. 13 into this story
        ArgM-MNR : pretty long
        Rel : stretch
Example: autogen2
        the widest stretch of the term
        Rel : stretch
        Arg1 : of the term